BIBLE LEAGUE 130TH ANNIVERSARY Bible League 130th Anniversary meeting to be held, DV on Saturday May 7th, at 3pm Preacher: Rev. Malcolm H. Watts, former Chairman of the Bible League Trust
Join us as we gather to thank the Lord for our 28th anniversary year! We are delighted to welcome Pastor Roy Mohon (Stockton-on-Tees Presbyterian Reformed Church) to be our preacher. Date: Sat 19th May @ 3pm & Lord's...
We are having a visit from a gifted preacher or God's Word, Pastor John Wagner. Come and invite others to attend the services. Contact us for further detail.
Dr Dominic Statham will be dealing with two vital and interesting subjects. @ 11am - Evolution or Biblical Creation:Does it Matter? The Bible Science and Truth @ 1.30pm - Dinosaurs & Dragons—Monsters or Myths? After...
Dr Dominic Statham will be leading the meetings. A large bookstall will be available for purchase on offer books and DVDs. Come and bring family and friends.
Andrew Geuter shall be giving us a report of his work preaching in the Open Air and witnessing on the streets of the county of Gloucestershire. Please come and join us.
Dr Alan Cairns will be preaching at our services this Lord's Day (24th June 2012). Please come and join us and invite other to come too. Dr Cairns was a pastor both in Northern Ireland and later in the US. Still he is...
Eric Browning, the chairman of the Society shall be reporting on the work of distributing the Scriptures among the Jewish people. Please come and join us for this meeting.
Pastor Gordon Ferguson from London Free Presbyterian Church shall be the preacher. On Sat. 12th of May at 6pm there will be a meal served, to which all friends of the church are welcome. Please let us know that you are...
Graham Chewter shall be speaking to us of the work of the TBS in translating, publishing and distribution of the Word of God. Come and join us. All are made welcome.
Pastor Edward Malcolm (Jr), shall give a 30mins talk on the Influence of the AV since its publication till today. Pastor Francis J. Harris will be the second speaker. Subject is to be confirmed.
Christian Witness to Israel exists to make the Good News of Messiah known to the Jewish people, to make Gentiles aware of the spiritual and material debt they owe to the Jews, and to promote a positive attitude to...
Topics will include: Homosexual marriage The Government has announced it will consult on how to redefine marriage and impose a radical new version on society so that homosexual couples can get married. At the same...