Westchester Orthodox Presbyterian Church
Charles Oliveira | New Rochelle, New York
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Charles Oliveira | Matthew 8:5-13
Charles Oliveira | Matthew 8:5-13 SUN 10/27/2024
Charles Oliveira | John SUN 10/20/2024
Charles Oliveira | John SUN 09/22/2024
Charles Oliveira | Mark 2:1-12 SUN 09/15/2024
Charles Oliveira | Romans SUN 05/26/2024
Erin Moore from Lexington, nc
Wow exactly what I needed to hear. I remember your sermons when I was a little girl. You have had a great impact on my life....
Daniel Osborne
| Ephesians 5:8-14
As an evangelical church, we believe in salvation by grace through faith and not good works by the believer (Ephesians 2:8-10). Salvation is the work of God. He gives us grace to repent of our sins and believe in Jesus Christ as Savior. ( more.. )
Sunday School 10:00 am Morning Worship 11:00 am
Westchester Orthodox Presbyterian Church 48 Mayflower Avenue New Rochelle, NY 10801 (This address does not receive mail)