A Well Prepared Sermon! The attack on the Word of God has changed the importance of godly leadership in the church and in many Christian lives. Many have been captured spiritually by God’s opponents.
This message is precise and worth every minute spent listening to it. It will build you up in the faith.
To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, (it is) because (there is) no light in them. (Isa 8:20)
We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke (as they were) moved by the Holy Ghost. (2Pe 1:19 - 21)
May God bless the hearer.
Great Sermon! It is good to realize that there are other pastors besides myself who are Postmillennial in their eschatology. Keep up the good work Thomas. I am a pastor too, and have been trying to preach through the book of Revelation since 2005. If you want to interact more about these things contact me. - Pastor Paul Rendall
Great Sermon! Being from the Grand Rapids, Michigan area; I dared not speak of my doubts about this "Rapture" thought. As years have gone on and more and more believers got on this bandwagon I pulled back. It seemed more and more that those who speak of this "Rapture", do not back it up with scriptures which are reasonable to me. They do however back up their teachings with the "Nightly and World News." Recently we have been hammered with the thought. Finally, after listening to this sermon, I am content with what I have found in my own study of the scriptures, and from Revelation. You are correct in saying that some things are very plain, some are not. Christ's return is clearly stated in the scriptures, "every eye will see Him..."
Doesn't it also say; "We will not all sleep but we shall all be changed, a the last trump..." I understand that we would like to escape all tribulation but many nations have suffered things far above and beyond what an American could imagine. Why would GOD show America no such sufferings? this is one question that kept me from being caught up in the Pre-Millennial thought.
Great message from the Lord The message was great really hit me in some spots. Just a note I don't know if the mic was to close to clothing or what but there was a lot of noise, but like I said it's just a note, the message is still there and I pray many will be reached and touched by it.
Great message from the Lord The message was great really hit me in some spots. Just a note I don't know if the mic was to close to clothing or what but there was a lot of noise, but like I said it's just a note, the message is still there and I pray many will be reached and touched by it.
Clear Teaching in the 'Old School' I recommend this message because Bro. Floyd gives the clear teaching emanating from the Reformation, from the Old Baptists and the good Puritans — it's called "the Regulative Principe of Worship," which in essence states that we CAN ONLY WORSHIP GOD IN A MANNER CLEARLY DICTATED BY NEW TESTAMENT PRINCIPLE OR PRACTICE. What the Apostles of our Lovely Lord instituted in His worship is all we can legally have. And it's not a 'LEGALISM' but a part of our FREEDOM FROM THE OLD COVENANT WITH ITS TYPES AND SHADOWS.
This is "strict construction," much the same as the "Conservative" principle of interpreting the U.S. Constitution in governmental affairs. THE POWERS SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED TO THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT BY THE CONSTITUTION IS ALL THEY CAN LEGITIMATELY DO. But today the "liberals" and the "politically correct" will say, "Well, the Constitution doesn't prohibit so-and-so, thus the Federal Government may do it!" Same as the churches who ignore the N. T. principle of worshiping Jehovah God in and by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, under the leadership of God's Holy Spirit.
Hear Brother Floyd carefully before you reject the message. That's all I ask.
Unique, remarkable sermon! After a slow, stumbling start this sermon is startling in its content both theological and practical. What a sharp contrast this presents upon solid scripture prooofs from what is considered a Christian today! What a difference between professing christianity and real regeneration (not merely claiming to be "born again") and the indwelling of Christ by his Spirit in true believers! Why is this vital truth so neglected in even conservative churches? This vital, organic union with Christ is so different from definitions and professions of modern christianity.
Great Sermon! I continually thank the Lord Jesus Christ for your ministry on SermonAudio. May the Lord Jesus bless you and increase you more and more.
Great Sermon! Great, encouraging sermon. I randomly picked this pastor and sermon and cleaned my whole kitchen spotless while I listened. He stays with the truth of the Word, gently addressing the exceptions to the rules, so to say, great mix of spirit and truth.
Important, Politically-Incorrect Sermon! The speaker makes clear that this passage is "a good test of a man's belief in the authority of scripture" and as an expositor because most approach the Bible with "a presupposition that slavery is wrong" and necessarily evil. The mark of Modern Christianity is its bowing conformity to the idol of Political-Correctness to supposedly win the world (due to the fear of men) while siding with radical secular atheists in condemning the holy word of God on social issues. The New Southern Baptist Convention, New Calvinists, and Banner of Truth have publicly marked their agreement with the teachings of Martin Luther King, Jr while despising the inspired apostles of Jesus Christ in the New Testament who teach, "from such turn away". Are they justified in doing so? This sermon stands as a sharp distinction between sober interpretation and popular sentiments which have *redefined sin* apart from the plain teaching of scripture and has bearing on all authority, government, and the moral anarchy prevalent in society today.