Great Sermon! Wonderfully researched and articulated sermon.
Pastor George delivers the biblical mandate clearly, passionately and timely. I appreciated his grounding the issue in a revival of historical Gnosticism.
Loads of info! Thank you Pastor George,
For you in-depth rendering of woman in leadership. So many of our churches are corrupted with the worldly belief that woman should be in a pastoral or elder role. Yet, as scripture says and you rightfully pointed out, we as men and woman have specific roles to play in the church body. God bless!
Enlightening Sermon! This message gives wider knowledge of seeing Christ Jesus as He is getting ready for His Resurrection. This helps us have deeper belief in His Words.
Challenging Sermon! Don't be a lazy Christian once you receive salvation. This message gives us a strong picture of what a dedicated Christian does with his life once he is a true Christian. Getting closer to Jesus Christ daily is what He asks of you. It's too easy to think after salvation we can coast into Heaven, but that's not what Jesus Christ wants from us. This message has excellent advice on getting stronger in The Lord -- listen and do!
Excellent exposition An encouraging and thought provoking sermon on an area of relevance to every Christian. Will lift the heart of many a weary soul and will be of relevance to those supporting a discouraged brother or sister in The Lord. Take the time and listen to it.
Very beautiful and uplifting sermon! I have heard for the first time, a beautiful sermon from my cousin, George Ippolito. It was very beautiful and inspirational and I am very proud of you. Thank you and love you, Kelly and family xx
Great Sermon! thank you so much for allowing yourself to be used by god to preach the true gospel, so many false teachers are watering down the gospel for finacial gain and control of the people , but thank god for my true brothers and sisters in christ jesus our lord, i love jesus because he gives all of his children a spirit of discernment so that we wont be deceived by the wicked one.
Interesting Sermon! This is a subject that has occupied my attention for years. I have examined it at some length hoping that someone who can see through the matter more clearly at a PH.D. level would do a better historical analysis. But I offer mi dos centavos.
Rarely do I hear an analysis of this subect in our day without the conviction that a straw man is created about what the Puritans called, "a law work" and that this is what is addressed. To really get to the bottom of this issue means that what the puritan and Edwards taught not be misunderstood. Minimally I wish Shedd's Dogmatic Theology on the subject of regeneration would be required reading for pastors.
Great Sermon!(47th on my odyssey) Thankyou dear brother Kroeger for this edifying,encouraging,but challenging sermon.I am on an odyssey of listening to a sermon from each book of the Bible,preached by a speaker whom i have not heard before. This is a blessed venture. may the Lord be pleased to bless your ministry to the glory of His name.
Great Sermon! Evangelist Chuck Zierle is available to come and minister the Word of God to your Congregation, Convention, or Crusade. Just one year ago he lay dying on life-support after being run over and crushed by a van. The Lord has raised him up, healed him, and commissioned him to proclaim the grace of God. Simply contact him via the e-mail. Already this message has been shared with hundreds around the world. Rev. Zierle will be in Honduras at the end of January, and his schedule is getting full.
Great Sermon! This is a very somber message the subject of which is little heard these days and yet much needed. Thank you, James McLoughlin, for a well presented sermon.
Great Sermon! Just what I needed to hear.Any christian who feels like they have failed the Lord serving Him.Jesus is faithful even though we fail Him.Dont give up,suffering is necessary and good for us,rejoice and praise God for it.Thankyou for the reminder.