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Sovereign Grace Church
Leslie Morton  |  Hanover, Pennsylvania
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(717) 430-0518
Sovereign Grace Church - Hanover, PA
189 High Rock Rd. North
Hanover, PA 17331
717-253-6474 Les Morton

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Sovereign Grace Church - Coopersburg, PA
244 South Main Street
Coopersburg, PA 18036
610-587-8615 Phil Snyder
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"Thankful to our LORD"
Robert and Laurel Erridge from Choteau Montana
The Lord is so good to us, Linda Freeman sent one of Phil's sermons to us awhile back and are very blessed to here our SAVIOUR...
Leslie Morton | Jeremiah
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Sermon6/21/2021 2:53 PM
Laurie Bernardini  Contact via emailFind all comments by Laurie Bernardini
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Leslie Morton
“ Great Sermon! ”
From 2 Cor. 6 -by honor and dishonor, by evil report and good report; as deceivers, and yet true;as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold we live; as chastened, and yet not killed;as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things". The religious always falsely accuse God's people; yes, they lie in wait for us to 'stumble'. I was caught up in the reformed camp lie of keeping the law to earn favor, to progressively get 'holier', and the sovereign grace camp that harps on how 'sinful' they are and have to do nothing to battle against the flesh. One camp is legalistic, the other is antinomian. The true sheep have a right understanding of what it means and why we make no provision for the flesh and that which is forbidden. Obeying God's truth is not done to earn anything, or to improve on the flesh, nor do we ignore the commands to put to death the flesh. The pendulum swings far and wide in both camps, yet they both unite against Christ and His elect. Praise the Lord for those who preach truth and do not resort to extremism. I am thankful for this ministry and these brethren God has brought me to know🥰

Sermon5/13/2021 9:25 AM
Laurie Bernardini  Contact via emailFind all comments by Laurie Bernardini
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Against Babylon: Intro
Leslie Morton
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent. The Lord alone be praised

Sermon5/9/2021 1:05 PM
Laurie Bernardini  Contact via emailFind all comments by Laurie Bernardini
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent preaching/teaching of God's truth for His people. We give praise to Him who gives understanding, who feeds His sheep🥰

Sermon4/29/2021 11:00 AM
Laurie Bernardini  Contact via emailFind all comments by Laurie Bernardini
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The Potter
Leslie Morton
“ Great Sermon! ”
Most timely and excellent message. This gives you a look (for those who have eyes to see) into the righteous God who does as He pleases with His created beings. Praise the Lord for so great a salvation, and for electing saving grace🥰

Sermon4/14/2021 11:13 AM
Laurie Bernardini  Contact via emailFind all comments by Laurie Bernardini
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Good message on the Treasure, and the parables purpose. It's refreshing to hear Calvin exposed for what he is, a universal Arminian. It seems the Reformed camps golden boy is much like that camp, lots of compromise and scripture twisting. I am certain Reformed Calvinism is nothing more than a fancier version of Arminianism, with much subtlety used to help disguise this.

Sermon4/13/2021 1:44 PM
Laurie Bernardini  Contact via emailFind all comments by Laurie Bernardini
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The Pilgrimage Of Faith
Phil Snyder
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent message on true faith. The Lord be praised

Sermon4/9/2021 12:12 PM
Laurie Bernardini  Contact via emailFind all comments by Laurie Bernardini
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The Fruit of The Lie
Leslie Morton
“ Great Sermon! ”
Another message that makes clear distinctions. You are either in the truth or the lie, there is no middle ground. Religious people are enslaved to the lie, they cannot discern the lie from the truth. When you call this out, they malign, they speak evil of you. True brethren love one another, they accept correction, rebuke, etc. This isn't so with those who hold to the religious lie. Praise the Lord for feeding His sheep🥰

Sermon4/8/2021 9:15 AM
Laurie Bernardini  Contact via emailFind all comments by Laurie Bernardini
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Another sermon that distinguishes truth from error. "We repent of our confidence in the flesh and believe and have confidence in Christ. That's what happens at regeneration". Precisely. I concur with your point about how the Reformed will say they were saved as an Arminian. You make the distinctions concerning works of the flesh, I sum it up as the free will dung. There is only one Gospel, those who aren't truly born again cannot see or discern the accursed gospels. They mix and mingle bits of truth with error and drink down their accursed gospels as they cleave to their counterfeit christ. This message is food for the elect...the Lord be praised

Sermon4/6/2021 8:29 AM
Laurie Bernardini  Contact via emailFind all comments by Laurie Bernardini
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is true, persecution comes to God's people....from the 'religious'. There are MANY who name Christ, yet they prove by they are far from Him by what they profess. They mix various doctrines, like Arminianism, and Reformed Calvinism, and they exalt that dung. When you expose their doctrines of demons their true colors shine forth. The wolves in sheep's clothing are exposed by what they say they believe. Their 'god' loves everyone, begs for a decision from you, waits for your free will to be exercised by you, keeps a close eye on whether or not you are getting holier, keeping the law, working on those good deeds, etc. This counterfeit christ and it's followers hate the sheep and the true Christ. They slay the sheep with their evil thoughts, their murderous accusations. Their idols are Calvin, Ryle, Spurgeon, etc. Men who exalted a counterfeit christ, the very christ they worship. Praise God for His true preachers, may He continue to bless this ministry.

Sermon4/5/2021 3:26 PM
Laurie Bernardini  Contact via emailFind all comments by Laurie Bernardini
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Haman Exalted To Destruction
Leslie Morton
“ Great Sermon! ”
It was interesting to hear why Mordecai failed to bow to Haman. This kind of preaching is great food for the true sheep. There's no cherry picking, no exalting of religious men, no exaltation of creeds, confessions, no dead works, conditions, etc. The Lord be praised for faithful preaching.

Sermon4/3/2021 9:51 PM
Laurie Bernardini  Contact via emailFind all comments by Laurie Bernardini
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Babylon: Opposition to God
Leslie Morton
“ Great Sermon! ”
I have shared this message with several brethren, it is so edifying. Many of us have been brought to repentance from dead works, brought out of self righteous religion by God. Babylon is made up of all kinds of organized religious denominations, the most subtle is the Reformed/Calvinist dung. It is a blessing to hear sound doctrine.👍

Sermon4/3/2021 4:39 AM
John UK from Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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“ Helpful message! ”
To quote the preacher: "God is active in election, and God is just as active in reprobation. God illuminates and saves; God hardens and reprobates." It is a good statement, which many would like to get around because they are uncomfortable with it. However, when it comes to dealing with truth about the Creator, it is no advantage to anyone to believe 'the lie'. Better to receive the truth and let God deal with the fallen nature of the mind, which will always rebel against the Almighty. Thank you, bro.

Sermon4/2/2021 10:23 AM
Laurie Bernardini  Contact via emailFind all comments by Laurie Bernardini
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Another great message that makes clear distinctions on truth from error. We do not call those who hold to error brethren, we do not speak peace to those who worship a counterfeit Christ. Any religion that adds conditions/works is a religion we separate from, it's part of Babylon and we shun it, by His doing. The Lord continue to feed His sheep through your ministry.

Sermon3/29/2021 3:21 PM
Laurie Bernardini  Contact via emailFind all comments by Laurie Bernardini
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Babylon: Opposition to God
Leslie Morton
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent message exposing the origin of all false religion. Yes, there are tons of 'denominations' that are in opposition to God. Having been brought to repentance by God, I can attest to the fact that reformed theology is rife with this babylonian nymrod brand of religion. It is refreshing to hear the boldness preached against this religion of man.

Sermon3/16/2021 10:46 AM
Laurie Bernardini  Contact via emailFind all comments by Laurie Bernardini
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Zeal For His Son
Leslie Morton
“ Great Sermon! ”
Amen, the zeal for Christ and His truth will not produce any compromise are lukewarmness, rather, it will cause one to be zealous for truth and despise error. We don't see that much in the camps of organized religion. God gives zeal to His people.

Sermon3/16/2021 7:57 AM
Laurie Bernardini  Contact via emailFind all comments by Laurie Bernardini
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent message, all praise and glory to God alone.

Sermon2/2/2021 11:55 AM
Ladybug  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ladybug
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent Christ exalting message. So many have confidence in the flesh, they have not had all confidence in that flesh cut off by the Lord. Giving God all glory for true Gospel preaching❤️

Sermon11/18/18 8:00 AM
Solid Rock from Ireland  Contact via emailFind all comments by Solid Rock
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“ Spiritual/Heart Circumcision. ”
Good to hear some preaching on this often neglected aspect of the Gospel. It seems that circumcision is too often relegated to the ' dispensed-with-ceremonies' box and the spiritual application forgotten. Of course this happens with other symbols from the Old Covenant like the Sabbath also, when one is focused only upon the externals. But praise be to our Saviour Who alone is sufficient in ALL things before his Father on our behalf. How we ought to exalt Him ...above every name that is named!

Sermon11/15/18 9:43 PM
Robert and Laurel Erridge from Choteau Montana  Contact via emailFind all comments by Robert and Laurel Erridge
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“ Thankful to our LORD ”
The Lord is so good to us, Linda Freeman sent one of Phil's sermons to us awhile back and are very blessed to here our SAVIOUR exalted. The gospel you both preach leaves to room for boasting as you said in this sermon, when you are born again he cuts off the all our supposed works righteousness and at that time we know HIM, we know that he did it all and we had absolutely nothing to do with it. And the reformed doctrine is nothing but foolishness and is as you both preach, we know, the LORD showed us that it is dead works and brought us out and saved us. Thanks, we have been listening to both of your sermons almost daily.

Bill Parker
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