Listened to over and over. I've listened to this several times now. So good and helpful. Healing even. So much I relate to, especially how he describes the "perfectionist mentality".
May God continue to use Bob Snyder.
Great Sermon! I just love these lectures ! Very well presented. This is the first time I’ve heard some of these topics presented from a Christian worldview
Thank You!!! Thank you for posting the course introduction! I’ve been telling others about the fact/value split and it has really provided a framework for sorting through difficult information and current events!
I’ve loved listening to the lectures you posted during the COVID season, and was hoping to hear the rest. I pray God gives you the time and space needed to post the rest! Thank you!
Interesting I never thought about a war being started in the hearts before the actual war started, I also never thought about a war ever being about something other than land ownership. This was very helpful.
Great Sermon! Would George Müller have anything to do with asceticism? Or was it different in his case because he didn't believe that God wants every Christian to be poor?