Reply to Chris I think I know which "Chris" this is. As usual, you encouraged me. Praise be to the Most High God that we are able to hear truth through His preached Word.
Thanks for being such a part of it.
Reply to Carl You are too kind. I pray your Pastor does the very same. Not sure "which Carl" I am typing to here so that is a harmless plug for expositional preaching that makes you handle this stuff:)
Even this coming week, both morning and evening messages find us in Hebrews talking about Jesus Christ with no question about the connection whatsoever. It seems scandalous that I am able to do this for a living.
Praise be to God!
Psalms, Hymns & Spiritual Songs, making Melody! 🙌🎶 This message should be listened to every year!! And definitely by every new member. Hallelujah!! So inspired and encouraged!
Great Sermon! Awesome sermon, teaching, and series. Christ is "The Volume of the Book"! It deserves a "Thank you" and "Thank God".
The difficulty in rightly appreciating the end result of the depth of study and incite that you put into your sermons comes about because our spiritual palates have been numbed too much by the artificial diet we often consume from so-called "spiritual sources." Otherwise, the saints would readily be reminded that Moses was asked to say and implement things on earth that was patterned after things God Himself had shown to Moses which were in Heaven; all pertaining to His Son (and His Body and Bride).
All leaders and elders should take a page from the Apostles in Acts 6 where they made a decision to concentrate less on administrative duties by giving it over to capable "brothers" so they can give themselves totally over to the word of God. I am sure these men would rejoice greatly to hear this sermon giving by you (a Gentile believer) and possibly remark "He gets and sees what we didn't see at the first."
Reply to Michael Brother Michael!
Wow! Thanks for listening in! I am honored that you would keep up with us. Any aspects of the conversation you think I should include the next time I engage the topic?
Thanks, my friend.
A world beyond Tracking a lot about what you are saying about the imminent VR world. No surprise that it would be named metaverse. Metaverse meaning (depending on interpretation) beyond the word,beyond the turn etc. I believe that they chose that name because they want to create a world beyond the word of God (logos) where they themselves will be like God.
Reply to Michelle It really seems like the only prayer for real justice is knowing that Jesus Christ pursues the criminal beyond death if they haven’t closed with Him (Luke 12:5). Thank you for stopping in.
Great Sermon! There have been several people that I visited with that had terrible atrocities committed against either themselves or someone they loved. My only condolence was God is just and that wrong will be punished:Either by Christ’s death on the cross for them as a repentant sinner or they themselves will pay. But payment will be made. Sadly we often don’t want them to receive the same grace through Chris’s payment as we have.
Be Vertical Great sermon about why you need to put your relationship with God through Jesus Christ at the top of your list and stop trying to fix the world around you. Get your eyes off of people. You can stop sinning.
Response to Debra Thank you for listening in. I would love to hear more about how I can pray for you and be of some help to your heart and soul.
Thank you for encouraging me with this note.
Great Sermon! As a woman who has been forgiven much I fall short in thanking and adorning much. Oh what a eye opener sermon that has brought me to my knees.
Great Sermon! Yea, It was noticeable the first time reading through Acts, that they would preach the word as though (AND IT IS ! ) a singular, plain, grand narrative beginning at creation. And Stephen especially, what a sermon...thanks for preaching this. It’s encouraging to be reminded it matters.