“ Great Sermon! ” https://www.facebook.com/CoastlandsCongregationOfMessiah/photos/a.1457286047866090.1073741828.1451087535152608/1731885890406103/?type=3
“ Great Sermon! ” Healing our Nation. Recently I have been disturbed by how many Christian men have distorting the word of God and twisting submission of your spouse to make it ok to deliver fierce punishment to their wives. These groups are popping up all over really they are the groups porn windows for Christians to make it except able to administer harsh beatings to the spouse these women end up in abuse centers after years of abuse mental and physically.all in the belief biblically it's what God instructed,these Christian Discipline groups are another reason our Country is not healing, the guidelines actually clone the Islam religion.
“ Great Sermon! ” Very interesting. It never occurred to me about a connection of the mayor of boston and his rejection of God's morality etc. Very thought provoking.
“ Great Sermon! ” I needed this sermon and will listen to it again. Not to test God is a hard things when our trials hit one after another. But he does care and is faithful and we must believe and trust him to come through no matter what. There is a song No Matter What I'm going to love you and that is what I must do. God Bless and Love to the church Diana H