Very good Very helpful perspective on suffering. Thank you for the reminders that God is the one who brings trials and that we need to continually preach God’s word to ourselves.
Galvanizing! This is the sermon that I listen to before I speak before liberal "Christian" audiences, thanking The Lord that he has given us this passage of Scripture to prepare our hearts and minds, and Pastor Jared's compassionate and God-honoring words. Thank you, Pastor Jared, for this faithful sermon of gospel-hope.
Love, Faith, and Forgiveness Jared always has a way of bringing God's Word home to me in practical, creative ways. While some preachers telegraph their punches, Jared is skillful in getting across his points in unexpected ways.
Strong Sermon! Much of the time we don't give any thought to how much our sin hurts God. We really are shallow in our asking for forgiveness. Our repentance dosen't go very deep, and need to feel the seriousness of our asking God to forgive us and to strengthen us in the future when we are tempted again.
Thank you Jesus Christ for dying for my sins.
Great Sermon! An outstanding sermon -- it gave me a new perspective on being a Watchman for Jesus. I enjoyed this preacher and will listen to many of this listed sermons.
The USA is in big spiritual trouble and needs more Watchmen to help our country with its many problems.
Praise Jesus Christ and come soon!!!