Grateful This sermon was incredibly helpful for allowing the Holy Spirit to give me a breakthrough in understanding God’s intent when He seemingly wavered in His decision regarding Israel. So many people use this passage in isolation to attack God’s holiness and scripture - which tells us that God is unchangeable and constant, and never changes His mind.
We must be mindful never to read scripture in isolation, apart from the whole, as one thing explains and amplifies another and is important to fully gain revelation from God regarding Himself. Especially when scripture seemingly contradicts itself, or appears to undermine the very nature of God. We must seek further understanding and explanation, and ask the Holy Spirit for assistance.
The sea of glass The sea of glass is the firmament, the emerald rainbow is the aurora borealis, the house is a tabernacle, surrounded by the dark waters, Ark the mercy seat or throne. All the visions in the Bible are all the same vision of heaven, throne, firmament, living creatures, etc. Read Ezekiel in the Septuagint it actually makes more sense than the Masoretic text. The biblical flat earth is actually repeated all throughout the Bible many times, and affirmed in Enoch’s account. Enoch even affirms Rupes Nigra, Mt. Zion on earth.
Wonderful sermon! My wife and I listen to Pastor Doug's sermons usually the Saturday after he preaches it. Again we are so filled by the Gospel message every single week we listen. I really enjoyed how Pastor Doug wove Romans 8:28-30, the "Golden Chain" into Saul's (Paul's) own conversion. When Paul was writing those words in Romans he was remembering what happened to him by reflecting on what the Hebrew Scriptures say about the call of Jeremiah, Samuel, and Isaiah. Each believer in Jesus Christ is called in a similar fashion, and to contemplate this for myself, where eternity meets the temporal, is mind blowing. This will be another sermon by Pastor Doug I will listen to multiple times. May God continue to bless you and your church!
Excellent sermon! Pastor Van Dorn preaches and teaches like no other pastor I've listened to. I've been a long time listener to his sermons but just now created an account on sermon audio so can leave comments. One of the fascinating aspects when listening through Luke and now Acts is the relationship between the two that Pastor Van Dorn expounds on. The chiastic structures that are present in the text are amazing, and of course the OT connections. In this sermon we really get an understanding of the "Name" and how it was used in the Hebrew Bible, especially the Psalms. Thank you Pastor Van Dorn for all you do!
Thank you!Praise GOD 4 his work in n through you for the body of Christ,work of the kingdom and Gospel of Jesus Christ to world I have been searching for a teaching series through isaiah. Bless you brother for placing such important and more difficult books at hand for the lay people who struggle with such.
Such a great sermon! Such a great sermon Pr Doug. I love the way you bring history and current events into focus. There is so much evil in our world and critical thinking is so important. I couldn't help but think of the golden idol given out at the Emmy awards.
Great Sermon! I'm not sure if you mentioned this, but maybe you did. Regarding the moral obligations of Sabbath-- it's not just that I have a moral obligation to rest, but I have a moral obligation to allow those in my charge (my employees, my subordinates, my children) to rest. In that sense, 4th and 5th commandments cross over.Â
Regarding respect for authority (5th Commandment)-- an interesting discussion could be had on whether the War for Independence, or the American Civil War, were violations of this commandment. (I'm familiar with the concept of the "lesser magistrate," which is used to defend them, but not everyone had heard of it.)
Great Sermon! I appreciated your lesson on the Sabbath. I've really struggled with this one, trying to "be Reformed" and "Baptist" in light of thr 1689 confession,, and what always seemed to be a "too narrow" interpretation interpretation.Â
I don't think, as the father of four kids, one of whom is four, I could ever justify not allowing them to play, watch TV, or otherwise recreate on a Sunday afternoon. On the contrary, I feel more of a burden to not "burden" them with tasks (i.e., clean your room). That is, there is not only the obligation to rest for yourself, but to let those in your charge rest too.
I may be more conservative but not conservative enough-- as I don't think I should habitually eat out on Sunday, or go shopping (as those who serve you are essentially temporary "servants") But if necessity is there (we don't have anything prepared) I don't have an issue with buying something (rnecessary repair, for instance) or getting a meal out (gotta eat). That is, I don't think stores and restaurants should necessarily be closed on Sunday, but it shouldn't be their busiest day either.Â
That's why most Sundays you won't see me out, but occasionally you would.
My views tend to annoy people on both sides of the issue.
I also have kids in college who lea
Great Sermon! The message, taken mostly from Daniel 9:24-27, is that Jesus Christ is the one that will "cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease" (v27) by his own sacrifice on the cross. Also, that "the abomination that makes desolate" is simply the continuation of animal sacrifice.
Great Sermon! The Scriptures are amazing...
I am in awe of if what God has done...
In awe of Christ in Handles Messiah...
In awe of what Christ has done for me...