Edifying to the soul An excellent sermon displaying the importance of submitting to God's will at all times even when experiencing unfavorable circumstances.
Great Sermon! Pastor Persaud is a Pastor/Missionary/Church Planter whose ministry demonstrates the love of God in Christ through faithful, biblical preaching, teaching and pastoral care given to those whom our sovereign God lays in his ministerial path. I thank God that He has this faithful witness of His grace.
Great Sermon! If memory serves me a an ace I usually come to grips with my decisions much later than my peers. How does someone like me find the time to socialise dealing with trouble the body can give. Thankyou father God bless
Published Days After Nelson Mandela's Death It should be noted that Nelson Mandela (18 July 1918 – 05 December 2013) was really a rebel against The Lord. Many other rebellious organizations like the United Nations, the Vatican, and the World Council of Churches paid tribute to Nelson Mandela shortly after his death on 05 December, 2013. It should also be noted that the key objective of Nelson Mandela was to bring forth the Antichrist into the world. We ought not to be involved in liberation activism as Nelson Mandela was because such liberation activism is rebellion against Our Lord's Kingdom.
Great Sermon! Thank you for this sermon, a great source of comfort for all believers and a warnings and invitation for others who are living outside the shelter of God's grace.
Keep up the good work!
Your fellow labourer in Christ.
Great Sermon! Pastor Persaud is the Church Planter whose model ought to be the pattern for all faithful ministers sent for planting churches to for God's glory. He begin, ends, and centers on the Word of God and in seeking to win others to Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit through the inspired, inerrant Word of God. Praise God for men like Pastor Persaud!
Great Sermon! Did I hear you say that Jesus didn’t mean 3 days and 3 literal nights? Do you worship a different Jesus than I. My God is not a man that He lies. I f Jesus said it I will bet my soul He meant it. If this means “holy mother church of Babylon” is wrong on they’re “holy Friday or “ Pagan Easter” so it is. Even if the entire world says He lies.
Great sermon with good application! a wonderful reminder that we will be persecuted as we pilgrim here on earth, but our joy is in the Gospel, and even if we have to suffer, we can rejoice and suffer with grace.
Great Sermon! this is a helpful sermon. Rev. Persaud really helped to answer some of my questions about prayers, my main question was why should Christians pray in general if God is in control of all anyway. But now my perspective has changed!
Great Sermon! This is the reminder of the days of Jesus, it is likewise the reminder for us today. We have guys out there who are telling us the half-truths, they are more dangerous than those who don't tell the truth at all. Thanks for the great reminder and faithful teaching, Pastor Persaud!
'Thy kingdom come', the rue meaning We have a lot of different perspectives out there on the topic, i think Pastor Persaud had done a tremendous job to explain the true meaning of the phrase. Worth the time to listen!
Great Sermon! Thank you for such a great reminder! "Take what comes from God’s hand." It is true that there are times when God's will seem to contradict ours, but it is for our good and for His glory! Thanks, Rev. Persaud!