Great Sermon! I have just listened to number 6 in the series. I am now going to start at number one. Whenever I wonder how God can possibly bless me more, he does.
This sermon was the sort of meat that the church needs to understand if it is to overcome the deceiver.
Great Sermon! That was awesome! That is exactly one of the things I clung to when I was so sick. God's character is so comforting to me! Thank you for preaching that! :)
Great Sermon! Thanks for this sermon. We listened to it for our worship time this morning and it led to a wonderful family discussion with our children about the reality of the fruit of their lives. Thanks for boldly preaching the Word!
Great Sermon! Thank you for encouraging and challenging us! Thank you for posting your sermons! It is like we are right there with you guys worshipping along side you all!!
Yes He does!! Praise the Lord for His promises and for sermons like this that teach and remind us that our God is sovereign and a promise keeping God!
Great Sermon! Thank you for a biblically sound sermon on leaders. There seem to be a number of preachers on this site who do nothing but murmer against leaders. Wether we like our leaders or not we are called to pray for them. Thank you for biblical truth!