Great Sermon! I am a preachers wife and know not iif it is my getting older or the devil working ,or even a combination of the two, but I have been more anxious lately. Sermon said it all!
Great Sermon! I have googled you and found that you said Dentistry is a ministry~! and I agree, what would it take for you to come to me or for me to come to your clinic to have my mouth repaired on a sliding fee scale, I am a christian without no molars no partials and need extractions, I am unable to chew my food and this is an emergency because I lack the digestive enzymes to absorb most foods so chewing well is the only way for me to get nutrition, I am 53 years old and haven't a wrinkle on my face and am beautiful without makeup which is a rare thing, would you be interested in restoring a lovely Christian sister?
Resurrection: New Comfort... Please note: Genesis 1:31 says (very good) not 'perfect '.
It bothers me when ever preachers refer to original creation they say perfect when God said very good. May seem trivial to imperfect man but you are representing a Perfect Holy God. We seem to have different understanding of the word perfect. When you represent a Holy God,please be more careful when you choose your words, the future universe will be perfect and incorruptible.
Mathew:4:4 Man shall not live by bread alone 'but by every word that comes from the mouth of God '. God Bless...
Forget sermon outlines! The Holy Spirit cannot be programmed You have a heart for Christ, and a blessed messenger. Please don't box in the Holy Spirit, He will never operate on pre programmed sermons made weeks in advance or follow a billboard of events / forget it. Move on from that brother in Christ. Love you in Christ.
Great Sermon! The message this morning was very encouraging to me personally. Thank you Ron for being a vessel meet for the Master's use, the Holy Spirit was evidently present in the singing, hymns and sermon. Bless you!
Powerful mesage! Powerful message. In this message Ron expressed my heart's desire and longing for worship here now and our hope of worshipping God in heaven. We are all pilgrims, this is not our home. Our homes are in heaven. We are only ambassadors here, seeking to lead others to Jesus. Listen to this message and you will be blessed.