Powerful Sermon! I need to be reminded often just how sinful sin is and how gracious God continues to be to a hell deserving sinner . Thanks for posting.
Great Sermon! We glean little by little, more and more
listening at home to the Luke series. Such as the examples of "their own sin" presented in this chapter. Wow, insightful, convicting.…
Great Sermon! Thank you for not only preaching God's Word, but for always pointing us to Christ and the Gospel. I am so grateful to the Lord for you, Stephen. :)
Great Sermon! Good heart but misses some Important things. For example he doubts that Psalm 119 was memorized, yet memorizing this is how the Hebrew children learned their alphabet. He says "blessed" is not happy, but it's exactly happy; that's what the promise of Psa119:1&2 are saying. It's great that he's approching it by its 8 verse sections. The Lord will certainly bless if these are prayerfully personalized.
Very encouraging Sermon! A wonderful witness to how the True and Living God nurtures a CheerfulHope in the hearts of His people by animating their Faith and stimulating their Love.