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Littleton Bible Chapel
Dave M Anderson / Alex Strauch  |  Littleton, Colorado
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Littleton Bible Chapel
6023 S. Datura Street
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Littleton Bible Chapel
6023 S. Datura Street
Littleton, CO 80120
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"Heart Searching!"
Thomas M Sullivan
Once in awhile I hear a sermon that is so convicting I have to listen to the sermon twice in a row to make sure that it doesn't...
Alex Strauch | James Series
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Sermon11/28/2023 4:06 PM
Paul Steves from Forge Road  Contact via emailFind all comments by Paul Steves
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Brother Strauch, Thank-you for this wonderful look at Passover as celebrated by our Lord. You showed how Luke shows us 2 different cups separated by bread in the feast. You identified this as a glimpse at some of the elements traditionally observed in the Seder. You then go on to call the second cup and the bread that Luke shows "new symbols." In what way are these new? Are you arguing that in this final Seder celebrated by Jesus during his earthly ministry He had 5 cups and 2 Afikomens? Would it be inaccurate to rather see the "cup after supper" and the bread as the normal traditional elements enjoyed by Israelites through the ages, but now, here, with the very person and act they had always symbolized fully revealed to Jesus's disciples for the first time in history?

Sermon12/24/2022 2:21 AM
Gregg Hutton from Kyoto, Japan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Gregg Hutton
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And Mary Treasured These Things
Dave M Anderson
“ Good message! ”
Thank you, Dave, for the very good message and reminder of how we need to ponder and practice the truths of the gospel. Mary’s example of giving thanks, reflecting in her heart, mind and soul are important. Thank you for your challenge to believers and others to not just “play with the box” but to enjoy and incorporate Christ into our daily lives. Merry Christmas!

Sermon6/3/2022 10:32 AM
Gregg Hutton from Kyoto, Japan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Gregg Hutton
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“ A good word! Clear and focused! ”
Thank you very much for your message about the distinctively of the Christian church. May the Lord Jesus be with you and shine through your day!

Sermon10/13/14 2:19 AM
Samantha M from Georgia  Find all comments by Samantha M
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“ Great Teaching! ”
We as Christians need to accept our roles as the Lord divinely directed us to through His creation...Amen! The Biblical Principle of Headship - Subordination Relationships in God's Plan (11:3) III. When and Should? (11:4-5a) 1. Dishonoring One's Head (11:4-6) 2. The Original Creation Order (11:7-12) 3. The Angels are watching (11:10) 4. Nature Teaches Through Men and Women's Hair (11:13-15)

Sermon10/12/14 8:16 PM
B. McCausland from Northern Ireland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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“ Clear teaching ”
When Christian women follow Christ in this particular they start the path of sanctifying consistency, which may develop greater fields of conviction, and growth for them, and for the particular Christian community they belong to. Biblical identity develops in the body of Christ when distinctiveness derived from separation unto the Lord is practiced. Sadly, the Bible translation used when developing the topic got in the way, though it was wisely amended as the exposition proceeded on. It would be advisable to redefine the word tradition as an ‘ordinance’ meaning what ‘is given to follow’, as it figures in the AV. Thanks any way.

Sermon10/12/14 8:13 PM
B. McCausland from Northern Ireland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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“ Clear and convincing teaching! ”
It is lamentable that this is a take-it-or-leave-it issue nowadays in the church. If we sustain that we follow a Biblical ethos, why do we segregate this as none important, when what it stands for is foundational? By dismissing it, we miss the opportunity to declare to the world that we accept, submit and take on God’s order, say the different Scriptural roles defined for man and woman. When we refuse to take on this visual token, we signalise instead we identify with the unbiblical unisex philosophy of the world. This is precisely the case also when women follow the unisex dress code of our present age. The Lord’s Supper, Baptism, and Head Covering are external tokens representing biblical realities. Yes, the three are counter-cultural in Western society if you think about it. We dare to practice the first two as marks of our Christian identity, yet why is the third too much? Some biblical churches might condition membership to baptism. Very few to Head covering, and yet both stand on biblical ground. Conveniently the issue is left to personal conscience instead of holding it as a commendable collective standard.

Sermon10/12/14 3:18 AM
Jeremy Gardiner from Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jeremy Gardiner
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This was really good! Clear and biblical. Highly recommended.

Sermon3/18/12 7:52 PM
Philip Tan from Singapore  Find all comments by Philip Tan
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Praise God for The Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen

Sermon10/13/11 7:53 AM
Sherry Smith  Find all comments by Sherry Smith
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Suffering Yet Joyful
Dave M Anderson
“ Great Sermon! ”
David,I am and have been so blest by your message that I have passed it on to friends. I appreciate the scripture, insight, and encouragement the Lord has given you. Thank you! Sherry Smith

Sermon8/9/11 7:39 PM
Anthony Yates from Belleville, Michigan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony Yates
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon was filling to me and I really got full off of it. I thank God for you, I ask that your prayers be with me and that God strenghten me in my patient towards my nieghbors and family members I ask that you keep me in prayer. God Bless.

Sermon12/15/10 12:39 AM
adam bower from ohio  Find all comments by adam bower
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Assurance of Salvation
Dave M Anderson
“ Great Sermon! ”
I'm a ccu grad. Listened to you a lot in school. It's nice listening in Ohio. Keep up the good work.

Sermon3/23/10 12:43 PM
Evangelist P.M.Abraham from , Kannur, Kerala,India  Contact via emailFind all comments by Evangelist P.M.Abraham
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A Bible Reading Church
Alex Strauch
“ Great Sermon! ”
May the Lord use you. Thank you for the book Biblical Eldership. I refer this best book for my new book about pastoral ministry in Malayalam. It will be published shortly. I am anEvangelist ministering in North Kerala. God enabled me to write some books abour toungues speaking and Charismatics. Kindly send the materials in my email address.

Sermon2/2/10 6:37 PM
Wallace Lawson from Northern Ireland  Contact via emailFind all comments by Wallace Lawson
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Alex, Many thanks for this stirring reminder of our need for the word of God, approproiately preached on my anniversary of my birthday! Thanks. Wallace

Sermon11/8/07 5:44 AM
Thomas Sullivan from Jenison, MI  Find all comments by Thomas Sullivan
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“ Great Sermon! ”
As I listened to this sermon yesterday, a number of reasons came to mind why I appreciate this kind of solid and interesting examination of a historical narrative in Scripture. The delivery is very well done, as usual. I also found the illustrations edifying and intriguing. The illustration about the pastor who was used in as a fill in for years because the flock were not instructed as well as the Christian who went into a lengthy spiritual declension because his good name was falsely maligned - excellent applications. But maybe it was because Pastor Strauch is so honest about his and our human condition - how weak we our when left to ourselves that makes David's declension so self-applicable, all of these make me cherish this kind of preaching. Thanks again!

Sermon3/11/06 6:37 PM
Thomas M Sullivan  Contact via email
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Proverbs: Anger (Lesson 8)
Alex Strauch
“ Great Sermon! ”
Having listened to Lou Priolo and S M Davis on this subject, I downloaded this sermon here sometime ago. I was only familiar with Pastor Strauch through his book on Biblical Eldership. I burned the sermon to a CD and listened to it with my wife. It was as good or better than others speakers I have heard on this subject. Pastor Strauch is a great addition to Sermon Audio.

Sermon3/6/06 5:23 PM
Thomas M Sullivan  Contact via email
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“ Heart Searching! ”
Once in awhile I hear a sermon that is so convicting I have to listen to the sermon twice in a row to make sure that it doesn't lose the proper impression on me. This sermon is certainly one of those. Pastor Strauch is an excellent communicator and I am the better for having discovered his preaching.

Sermon9/11/05 4:16 PM
T M S from Jenison, MI  
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“ Glad to see these sermons here ”
I am familiar with this pastor only through his books, most notably Biblical Eldership. This title is spoken of very highly and has sold a number of copies, so I am also interested to listen to his sermons. A bio. of Pastor Strauch would be nice.

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