Great Sermon! This is a great and much needed series to help us understand the culture vs God’s ways. We are bombarded daily with its lies and we need to be renewing our minds to truth. Thank you and I look forward to listening to the rest of the series and gleaning more wisdom, knowledge and understanding of God’s way and His truths which stand eternal
Much needed Sermon! Doctrine matters! Today it seems as if doctrine is a bad word to preach on nowadays but it just shows the truthfulness of God's word...2 Tim. 4:3-4
Handling spiritual attacks The title says handling spiritual attacks inwhich i hoped there would be a talk about the subject,i listened to over half way through and all i heard was music!
Ok i know praise music does help with spiritual attacks,as does prayer,reading bible out loud,and mp3 bible out loud etc, but i was hoping for a bit more information on how to tackle such things when your doing all above,walking with the lord daily,repenting of any known sins,and witnessing to people etc,and the enemy decides to have a go! Not when your awake but the cowardly way of when your fast asleep! I was hoping for a little bit of talk to help in those situations!,
Lovely music,though.......
Great Sermon! Thank you so much ,I understand so much better now the difference between the Lord not remembering our sin and giving an account of our "doings".
Many blessings to all
Great Sermon! Well put!
It's not so much about what songs we sing as meaning what we're singing, and not letting ourselves just go through the motions.
Great Sermon! Thank you and praise God for an excellent sermon on how we should use music in our worship; clear exposition of Psalm 33: 1-5 so that we are most edified concerning the awe and reverence we should always be preeminent in our worship. All glory to God.
Greatly Needed in this 'Racial' Age This sermon needs to be heard by every Christian in every part of the country. If Christians applied these truths, both the Klan and Al Sharpton would be out of business.
Great Sermon! I would like to say that this sermon is one of the most encouraging I have heard for a long while. I plan to send it on to some of my unsaved loved ones, I feel it is a heartening conviction for the dire need of salvation, without the fire and brimstone aspect which pushes would be believers away. At least that is my h o. Thank you Dr. Conley