PRIDE HAS MANY TENTACLES I was so focused on the body of the creature called Pride--its looming presence in the lives of other folks--that I failed to see that some of its tentacles were wrapped around my own heart. Thanks for the eye opener, Pastor Steve.
Great Sermon! Thanks so much for this sermon. This sermon is a much-needed reality check for everyone, especially people who believe that the world owes them a living. This message is sure to send shock waves to everybody's souls! Thanks again!
Great Sermon! In this wonderful sermon Pastor Murray sheds bright light upon true worship, as well as our precious security in His finished work DONE already from eternity.
Thank you so much, and I pray God's blessing on you and your work.
Great Sermon! When the two become "one flesh," that is, one creature, how does a judge chop this single creature, "that God hath joined together," in half?
Great Sermon! Wonderful Sermon Pastor Steve! Thank you for helping to open up the book of Leviticus and explain how the book relates to Christ and His saving work.
God bless you and yours!
Great Sermon! Thank you for this sermon...This has sparked me to resume my journey with our Lord Jesus Christ after much laziness and self pity. Bless you Pastor Steve.
Great Sermon! Excellent sermon from an excellent Pastor. This should bring us all back down to earth with our noses directly buried in the Word of God! Lord, keep me humbled and sealed to Your heart. Thank you Pastor Steve and God bless you.
Definitely a sermon that you ought to listen!! Even as believing Christians, pride still lurks in our hearts; and it manifests in so many ways....
If you want your heart to be exposed in regards to how prideful you are, then this sermon will do that. Listen to it carefully, and apply it to your self; you will sadly discover that you are not humble as you think you are.