Great Sermon! After the pLandemic declared by the WHO, most governments ordered church closures. Churches caved, people panicked, all pastors missed or ignored the connection of Jesus words 'shall loseit" in Mat.10:39,:16:25, Mark 8:35, Luke 9:24, 17:33, John. 12:25. Six times 0n three different occasions we are told losing eternal life if we do fear losing eternal life. Maybe you cancomment on this thread for heaven and earth shall pass away but not Christ words never. I think there is a connection here if not a stand corrected. I agree with your pointing out the priorety of assembling. Thanks!
Great Sermon! When this is all over meaning the covid I would like to save money for a flight to visit your church and to listen to you preach the word of God
Good for any teachers! I don’t get to teach in our Christian school anymore, but I will use these ideas to apply to teaching piano lessons and children’s ministries! Thank you.
Great Sermon! Brother Scottt, what a wonderful sermon about the truth. We should focus upon our God in Heaven and not our so called limitations on this earth. We can do all things through Christ, our Saviour. I listened to you rather than waste my time with the super bowl. Christ bless you for your strength and courage to tell the truth. Great sermon.