A truly Christ-centred exposition. Thank you preaching the riches of Christ, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and the the sacrificial Lamb, from what might otherwise have been seen as a passage about little more than the plight of a woman who was not loved by her husband.
Powerful I praise God for Danny Brooks. My opinion, with all intended integrity, is that Danny is one of the premier preachers in the United States. Yet if you know him, one of the more humble/genuine people you'll ever meet. Such a rare combination.
Great Sermon! I have been using your material combined with Wayne Grudem systematic theology, as we are studying through in our church about canonicity and textual reliability, in our own systematic theology study. & I want to thank you for posting this on sermon audio. It has been a great help to me and to our ministry. I also have sermons on sermon audio and I understand the value of sound biblical teaching and preaching and I thank you for proclaiming the truth.
Great Sermon! This message is about something that hundreds of thousands have attested to; but seldom talk about.
Want to be blessed and bless our great God? Listen attentively.
Great Sermon! Wonderful truth told. Very inspiring and good. Just one thing; if a woman is being abused by her husband, then I think we should encorage and support her to not be a "doormat" but get safety and help. Abuse is wrong and dangerous. Most victims of rape and murder know their attacker. If a woman is being beaten, what message does it give her daughters and sons if she submits? It will damage the kids mental health and usually they are also being abused. Also usually abusers say sorry after an attack but then do it again and again and the severity of attacks increases over time until the woman is murdered or escapes. The pastor didn't mention this point however this sermon was great. Thank you pastor :)
beautifully, clearly, lovingly taught Scripture I'm so thankful that I have learned that God's way is best - even if it comes smack into the face of culture. His way has brought me joy and peace...and this is coming from a former "femi-nazi". Thank you Dr. Ollila for rightly dividing the Word of God which in itself is sufficient to tell us how to live a life which is pleasing to God. Please pray though that those of us wives who do most of the work would just continue to pray for God to show us where we can "adore" our husbands. Some husbands make it very difficult for his wife to "adore" him.
Great Sermon! Thank you for this message in Hebrews chapter 2:15-18. It was very helpful for this weeks lesson in Sunday School. I felt as if I was there. I teach SS and Church Pianist. May God continue to Bless you as you serve The Lord ????
Vital information and a great message! This message contains a ton of information that would be of great interest to any true student of Scripture.
For those in trials A good sermon for Christians who are suffering to the point of their faith in God really being weathered. The pastor comes off as an amiable person and I appreciated the points he brings up, such as God's sovereignty and trusting God based upon what we know about His character; trusting as such when in the face of extreme difficulties or hard questions.