Great Sermon! Thank you for tackling this tough subject that is a reality for so mamy --done so biblically and realistically. I have listened to many sermons on this topic . . My parents divorced and that crushed our hearts . . Abd yet now I am considering divorce because while I can handle the mental cruelty and abuses from my spouse, my children can't. It is my duty to protect them also. Adults need to take responsibility and live unselfishly for their children but if a person either can't or won't then the responsible one must do what they can. This country is suffering greatly because many parents are unable to raise whole and mentally healthy children, so many cannot get past the hurts in their childhood. I used to blame the act of divorce itself as wrong yet here Pastor Nelson exposes the hard truth of sinful parental behavior, and some people we must separate from. Thank God for this option. The wages of sin is death But the gift of God is eternal life, our eternal hope! God is an indescribable gift and he will overcome all the family pain and heal the nations, when the appointed time comes.Thank you again this has given me courage.