Great Sermon! Thank you Pastor Cesar for mining the scriptures of the Bible. You definitely have a gift of teaching and I am not able to be in a true Gospel local church every week. Therefore, please keep these teachings coming to us. I taught Pre-K and Kindergarten graders for 25 years. It touched my heart to hear you say how you love young children and have a burden for them. Your teachings have helped me to grow and to be bolder than ever to share Jesus with young children and their parents. Your piano playing is beautiful. Such a blessing to see you play while your wife sings.
Great Sermon! Thank you and God bless you for sharing truth. At your convenience, will you please send me the notes you mentioned on the different judgments? I so deeply appreciate this ministry. I am married to a Mormon; whom I pray for everyday for open his heart to true Gospel salvation. I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. (Romans 1:16) Thank you and continued prayers for this ministry. Pauline Walden
Great Sermon! Thank you for this sermon. I was reminded of Romans 9:13 As it is written, “Jabob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. May we remain hungry for righteousness through the instructions and sound wisdom in God’s holy word.
Great Sermon! God bless you for preaching true Gospel. Although I am imprisoned, having to be in a LDS church. I pray everyday to be sober and share the light of Christ 1Timothy 3:16. Today is the day of salvation. Grace and Truth Church, you are a blessed family of God. May we all continue to be a living sacrifice for Christ sake no matter what enemies come against us. To God be the glory! Holy Holy Holy. Tell your flock to never forsake the assembly. Never take it for granted. Fight the good fight! Pray I will be released from this false teaching and that my husband will come to truth. I have stood up for God’s word. My reality is being stuck in the mire, but my light shines I speak the words of truth. I have been persecuted and not allowed to go to the church of my choice. I’m told I’m not being a submissive wife.
Great Sermon! Thanks for this message, Bro. Michael. Interesting point you make around 13 minutes in: the "miracle working" prophets like Elijah & Elisha didn't write anything & the "writing" prophets like Ezekiel, Jeremiah, etc. didn't do any miracles. (Just a note: even with the "miracle working" prophets the emphasis was the Word of God.)
Great Sermon! Nidia:
¿Crées lo que dicen? ¿Es según la palabra de Dios o las palabras de hombres? Acuerda que Pablo dijo:
Gál 1:6 Estoy maravillado de que tan presto os hayais pasado de aquel que os llamó a la gracia de Cristo, a otro evangelio:
Gál 1:7 El cual no es otro, sino que hay algunos que os inqui tan, y quieren pervertir el evangelio Cristo.
Gál 1:8 Mas si nosotros, o un ángel del cielo os anunciare otro evangelio del que os hemos anunciado, sea maldito.
Gál 1:9 Como ántes hemos dicho, así ahora tornamos a decir otra vez: Si alguien os anunciare otro evangelio del que habéis recibido, sea maldito.
Si quieres mas información, mándame un e-correo y podemos hablar más. Que el Señor te bendiga y te ayuda con conociéndole personalmente.
En Cristo Jesús,
Great Sermon! La iglesia de los santos de los ultimos dias dicen que a Joseph Smith se le aparecio San Juan el bautista, Pedro y Santiago para darle la autoridad de sacerdocio de merquicedec y sacerdocio aaronico y que solamente esta iglesia tiene esa autoridad como para tener el evangelio verdadero, el bautismo y verdaderos profetas
Wrath Wrath starts with a first bowl in Revelation. You never explained “Last” trumpet. The word trumpet in Greek is the same word as in Revelation. Great Tribulation and wrath are distinct concepts and have unique timing. But I love all your other sermons, thank you!
Great Sermon! Thank you, Excellent Christian History lesson of truths about our Holy Bible !!!
and every false way... God Bless You and the Lord continue to you the passion to preach His Word.