Great lessons Dr. Trefsgar, my brother directed me to the site. We have been having short discussions between each other over the years. By now, you should know the person that I speak by the last name. Thank you for being a part of his guidance in life, he has done well and is appreciated. He recognized the fact that I have not been attending church services, though he does not know the reason, he has always been a support.
To address your messages, I am thankful for your presentation. You have given me insight at many points. These points make sense, as when I was younger I couldn't see how these points applied to life. Thank you again for your teaching. Bryan
Great Sermon! This sermon has been so edifying! I’ve been under conviction over idolatry in my life for the past two days, and I’m still desiring to further live according to the fact that Christ is my life.
Great Sermon! Thank you so very much for your Godly sermons. I have listened to three of your sermons, and every time I am listening I feel the Lord Jesus is sitting next to me enjoying every word that is preached. I thank the Lord that I found you on SA. May the Lord bless you and your family and your church.
Thanks again
Sam , Orange, TX
Great Sermon! Thank you for this sermon. I have studied the Bible for years and I knew that the Sons of God and the daughters of men had to do with the intermarriage of the godly and ungodly. I have heard hints of what you preached from a few wise men but not a whole sermon. Thank you!!!
Excellent Sermon! This message shows the ways we challenged by the many sources that takes us away from the Gospel and the Blood of Jesus Christ that gives us salvation. There are false ways that seem to be right, but are only deceiving ways that will not fill us with the power of Jesus Christ.
Excellent Sermon! Solid, conservative Presbyterian preaching which is edifying and exhortative. The principle of God's creation order being maintained in His re-creation order is a gem of wisdom provided; also an excellent downloadable (public domain) puritan work (by Thomas Watson) is referenced.
Important Perspective for Evangelism Very insightful motivation for evangelism: Jesus is not only my God, but He is also my unsaved family member's God. Jesus is also my Jewish neighbor's God. I must speak to them about their God, Jesus not some religion or spiritual approach. This sermon is worth your time.
The Threshold Of Heaven The speaker pointed me to Christ and away from myself. This speaker breathes the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Definitely worth listening to.
Gospel Filled! Worth the Listen! Very, very encouraging. This speaker points his listeners to Jesus as the true new covenant and the true husband. Wonderful worthwhile listen.
Extremely Relevant Sermon! FAKE LOVE REFUTED! Exposes the lies that sprang up in the 1960s that have infiltrated Christianity making God's holy laws as bad thing and redefining love into a False Love that is contrary to God's moral laws. This could be entitled: TRUE LOVE vs. SENTIMENTALISM. This refutes the false love of antinomianism (lawlessness), which is anarchy before God. How can someone love God or their neighbor while disobeying or discountenancing his commandments?
What kind of Love (and false Jesus) came up from the hippie culture of the 1960s? A false "love of Jesus"..."intimacy with God"...hogwash and false love that is licentious, that does not obey God or keep his commandments, but despises them. This has affected how parents treat children, neighbors, and why the world calls adherence to God's laws falsely as "hateful", "judgmental", etc. John says "sin is lawlessness" and in Revelation describes believers as "who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus" (the two are not contrary).
Great Sermon! This sermon holds me accountable for my frustration at other "Christians not living the life of Christ" as being a barrier to the Holy Spirit moving in my own life.
A sermon to the relevance of The Church today and Gomer, Hosea's wife.
Lovingly Ted Trefsgar shares that we are all sinners, and Christ draw us to Himself not over looking our sin, but loving us to reconcilliation with Him.
Great Sermon! I was blessed today by this sermon. Godly men are rare in today's society. May more of us seek Christ and the Gospel, and ask for grace to perform what is required of men. If you are a father take time to listen to this proclamation.
Wonderful Message! Hear this wonderful message about how we are justified in the sight of God by the imputed Righteousness of Christ...
recieved by faith alone!