Clear and Reasonable This is an excellent and balanced commentary on the recent memorial service at St Pauls. I recommend this type of thinking as opposed to hysterical exaggerations currently doing the rounds. Let us be clear about what is true, and what is false!
Strong Sermon! Amen to the above comment. There are many spiritual gems in this message and everyone will benefit hearing it. I agree that Pastor Charmley is special and since I found him I have listened to many of his sermons in the past week.
Very Personal Sermon! You will become much closer to Christ Jesus after hearing this sermon. There is so much wonderful things about Jesus Christ that we very seldom hear. He truly loved us when He died for us and we need to hear those things more and more. This was a deep blessing for me to hear again the Love of Jesus Christ in His death and resurrection. How can we begin to thank Him anywhere enough.
Brother Charmley is an outstanding preacher and teacher and his church is blessed to have him.
Path of Love Sermon! This is filled with God's love for us and if we are obedient we will love our fellow Christians as the Disciples and Apostles showed was primary in following the preaching of Christ Jesus. There is so much in this sermon that you must hear it and be blessed. Brother Charmley is becoming one of my favorite preachers as his sermons are rich in deep meaning and understanding.
A Blessing Sermon! For us to be a Christian is filled with wonderful spiritual benefits that sometimes we don't realize. Listen to this an you will be lifted up in power and expectation because you are a Christian. We have so many blessing already in and with us and we should give daily thanks for all Christ Jesus gave us with His Death and Resurrection .
God's Grace is greater than we can understand, but He uses it to give us repentance and salvation. Thank you Father, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit.
A Grace. Salvation and Joy Sermon! This sermon has it all. The total combination of God's Grace, our Salvation and our abundant joy because of our eternal resting place. If you have any doubts, fears, trials, listen to this uplifting sermon. Truly outstanding. Thank you Jesus Christ for saving us.
Valuable Insights Brilliant - From start to finish. So many salient points! I chose to listen to this sermon twice because there really was so much to glean.
Pastor Charmley is wise beyond his years.
" The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom". God Bless.
'a simple trust' SermonAudio is a fantastic resource, ( Praise the Lord for it !! ), and there are many wonderful, spirit-led preachers on here to choose from. I always make time to listen to Pastor Charmley because his sermons are always so instructive and illuminating, as well as edifying.
He is a ( deeply-thinking! ) man of integrity and preaches the word of God faithfully.
Thank-you, Pastor Charmley, for being the kind of man whom God can use.
*I cannot over-emphasize how much God has used you in my life*
God bless you.
Great Sermon! Excellent sermon. The message of this well organized sermon hits on all the major reasons why as Christians we can indeed be joyful, even if we have to endure the sufferings of this world. What Christ has purchased for us far outweighs all problems in our lives. Thank you Pastor Charmley.