Gentle comment... Rev. 3:10, does not say Jesus will "come get" his children, it says he will "keep" the church of Philadelphia from the hour of temptation. 1Cor.15:50 says the rapture happens at the last trump, there are seven during the great trib. Mat.13 the tares are gathered and burned before the wheat. Just as the goats judged before the sheep. 2Tim., Titus, 2Pe., 1&2Jn., Jude, does not mention word "church", but the word "saints" is used in these and throughout Revelation. There is a plethora of verses preparing believers for persecution, all but three instances of usage of the word "tribulation" refers to persecution in the NT. It is wrath to unbelievers. Read Foxes or look at present day N Korea. Compare 1Th.4:16 to Mat.24:30-31 not just 30.1Th.4:15 refers to the second "coming" by definition of second being followed by his first, key word "coming". Meeting the Lord in the air does not preclude an earthly reign. Pre-trib assumes what it purports to prove. Pre-trib can only be read-in, not drawn out from the Scripture.