Powerful Sermon! The late James Beller was an outstanding Baptist historian. In this message, he explains how famous Protestant evangelists such as D.L. Moody, Sam Jones, Billy Sunday and J. Wilbur Chapman, while greatly used of God, did not fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). Although they saw many people saved, their converts were not scripturally baptized, nor did they join New Testament churches. On the other hand, American Baptist evangelists such as Shubal Stezrns, Daniel Marshall, J.S. Coleman, W.E. Penn and "Cyclone Mack" McLendon did fulfill the Great Commission as their converts were immersed and joined Baptist churches. This is a much-needed message that anyone interested in Baptist history will enjoy!
Great Sermon! What a powerful message!
Praise the Lord for the gospel - things change when the gospel is preached.
The lost need to hear the gospel.. and the saved need to Remember.
What a great God we have.
Great Sermon! Don’t be judgmental, sounds like the mantra of the world.
In these days, we need to judge ourselves more than ever.
You mentioned the couple that considered joining but noticed immodest dressers in your church… did you ever consider that pastors are turning a blind eye to immodesty, allowing them to serve in the church, without addressing this at all.
At least you are willing to preach on it, our pastor refuses, and promotes immodesty in the body here where we are. This is a major problem!
Thank you for your boldness to allow us to hear truth from God’s word!
Great Sermon! Thank you for preaching on this subject, it’s much needed today.
The heart is the issue. Servants of God will want to please him, and not himself or others.
Great Sermon! I have got to listen to this sermon several times to digest all that was being preached. It has been such a blessing to me and has opened my eyes to so many things that are capable in our lives. I will be sharing this with all my Facebook family and friends. Thank you so much, Brenda
Great Sermon! This was a reminder to me of all the holy and awesome things that our God is. There is no other God but him, and he loves me, and has made so many promises toward me, and I deserve nothing but Hell. My God has provided all for mankind, even his Son. ~~goosebumps~~ Brenda
Great Sermon! WOW! This was rich in facts about what Satan can, and cannot do in our lives. I needed a refresher course because he is still out there seeking whom he may devour. Great sermon/lesson. Brenda
Great Sermon! This was a wonderful sermon on Child Abuse. It covered a wide range of things that parents sometimes don't think about, and should. It did not rely on the drastic acts of child abuse that we read in the news, but covered every need and deed that covers the life of a child. Thanks for the post, Brenda
Great Sermon! This morning I had a question and because I missed this mornings sermon I listened to this one. Praise the Lord this sermon answered that question.
Thank you so much for being there for me at this time!!
Miss you all, Diana Gale
Great Sermon! My Lord! How blind I’ve been to the truth! How blind are many of us are? God have mercy on those who consistently call upon the likes of men and their devilish doctrine, instead of the word of God.
Excellent This message centers on how the language of CMC music styles convey the ongoing Christian philosophy driving our generation, which is "do it my own way" to please self, in other words, please the flesh. Mr. Cloud touches the real nerve of the matter. Thanks
Great Message on American Baptist History! Bro. Alexander shares about the 2016 Baptist History Tour of the Baptist Heritage Revival Society. He tells stories about Mordecai Ham, Isaac McCoy, John Taylor, John Mason Peck, J.H. Spencer, S.H. Ford and others. If you love Baptist history, you will enjoy this message. I hope to hear "Stories from Uncle Ted" in the near future!
Great Blessing to hear this sermon! I thank God for using you and for letting God use you... My husband and I always listen to your messages on line. May God continue to bless your life. You are always in my prayers!
Great Sermon! Brother Burke, grace and peace to you, your family and the local assembly that you are ministering to! Today, I found myself struggling about my role as a single mother of a 12 year old young man. I have been battling growing weary as each challenge comes. I run from faith to doubt, questions to surrender discontentment to peace that God knows what He is doing, even if I don't. But today, I had lost my footing...I was beyond weary, beyond confused...I found myself lost, not knowing what to do, especially since I have been faithfully praying and seeking God only to find that my son is still rebellious (for now). After praying, I found this message...RARE message might I add, and I began to understand the truth that I am not forgotten and what my son's dealing with is not the end. God used your message to remind me that His great strength is made perfect in our weakness. I was encouraged to say the least and I praise God for your obedience, your honesty and your compassion for those like me and my son. May the Lord bless you beyond measure...Sincerely, A single mom, chosen by the Most High God!
Thank you! Pastor Burke, thank you for tackling this virtually untouched subject. Single parents tend to be treated as “not quite up to par” at churches and it is disheartening at times. Single parents need support and encouragement in the church and not condemnation or condescension. I look forward to Part 2!