Great Sermon! Excellent dividing of God's word on this subject. There are many that try and explain away God's word because it doesn't fit with what they believe. I believe it's a case of the pendulum swinging against any biblical divorce because of the rampant divorce rate in the western world. This does a big disservice not only to people effected by this issue, but also to God's word. Thank you for this.
Great Sermon! This sermon gave me answers that I have been looking for and direçtions in dealing with conflicts in my life. Thanks for opening my eyes in God's word. I will be listening to more of your messages. Even though I have never attended your church, it seems close to my heart because I grew up in the Norwood section of Warwick. If I get back to RI I will be sure to attend one of your services.
Great Sermon! This is the most biblically sound and balanced sermon on this I think I have heard so far. Balanced in the sense it does not seek to argue out of the bias of any one doctrinal position on divorce or remarriage, but instead the preacher clearly examines the scriptures as plainly as they are written and presents the truth of what they say, he doesn't try and argue some bias on this issue or draw out an argument that is not there in the scriptures. God does not put unbearably impossible burdens on us, he knows we are but dust and he has mercy on those wronged by adultery in a marriage. To think God would condemn a young woman, for example, raising small children, or even a childless young woman, to a life of permanent singleness because of her husbands adultery is ludicrous. It often seems to be the ones who will NEVER have to live a life out like that who argue the permanence position.