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Clayville Assembly
Rev. James C. Gallagher  |  Foster, Rhode Island
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"Unsaved American Patriots"
Anonymous Name
It should be noted that most American patriots are unsaved people. American patriotism and American "liberty" has nothing to do...
Rev. James C. Gallagher | Jeremiah 16:1-13;Ezekiel 24:15-24
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Sermon8/20/2023 8:41 PM
James Thomas from Fla  Find all comments by James Thomas
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The Israel of God Part 8 of 8 - Mystery...
Rev. James C. Gallagher
“ Great Sermon! ”
Rev 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. *is that great city* The woman is Jerusalem. Just as New Jerusalem is the bride of Christ, not a literal city but an assembly of souls who love God, so was the first Jerusalem….which is mystery Babylon.

Sermon7/26/2023 7:18 PM
Nancy Bryson from GA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Nancy Bryson
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you, Pastor Gallagher, for the great sermon. I intend to listen to the entire series. "What about Israel?" has always been a question that bothers me. It seems like Pastor John MacArthur and ministries like Understanding the Times might not agree with your teaching. But so far what you have said resonates with me. Thank you for the gentle and charitable, but forceful, delivery. Blessings to you.

Sermon5/29/2023 8:32 AM
Jennifer Mason from Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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“ Agreed! ”
There will be no ‘secret Raptuure’ but that which is called’the secret Rapture will reveal to the earth-dwellers down below the dangers of their false assurance. In other words, there will be a HarpazŠand it certainly will not be a secret, because the world will recognize that something inexplicably has occurred.

Sermon5/17/2023 4:59 PM
Rachel Young  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rachel Young
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I have siblings who hold to the secret rapture. Your sermon was fantastic. You spoke of Cd series in the beginning of the sermon. How may I obtain those?

Sermon5/28/2021 5:16 AM
Gordon Skidmore from Australia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Gordon Skidmore
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The Israel of God Part 6 of 8 - Romans 11,...
Rev. James C. Gallagher
“ Great Sermon! ”
The most brilliant and faithful exposition of this passage I have heard for some time.

Sermon1/1/2021 11:12 AM
scattered sheep from USA,La  Find all comments by scattered sheep
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The Israel of God Part 8 of 8 - Mystery...
Rev. James C. Gallagher
“ Great Sermon! ”
these teaching changed my Life and helped Deliver me from much deception. ALL GLORY TO JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. Thank You GOD BLESS YOU PASTOR Gallagher

Sermon11/13/2020 8:10 PM
Therese from Central rural California  Contact via emailFind all comments by Therese
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Daniel 12 and a First Century Resurrection
Rev. James C. Gallagher
“ Great Sermon! ”
I just listened to your amazing sermon on Daniel 12 and the first Resurrection. . SCRIPTURE VALIDATES SCRIPTURE. The Holy Spirit showed me this a few years ago. JOHN 5:25-28 The time is now when the dead shall hear the voice of the son of God And come out of the graves MATTHEW 27:52 And the graves were opened and many bodies Of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the Graves AFTER HIS RESURRECTION I CORINTHIANS 15:20 Christ became the first fruits of them that slept... .But every man in his iwn order : CHRIST the FIRSTFRUITS afterwards they that are Christs at his coming. (The unification of Israel and Judah. THE VALLEY OF DRY BONES now in the promised land. REVELATION 14:4 They were redeemed from among men being the FIRSTFRUITS unto God AND THE LAMB. Aaalll the FEAST DAYS seem to be PROPHECIES OF CHRIST AND THE NEW COVENANT CHURCH. PASSOVER Christ is our passover of death FEAST OF FIRSTFRUITS Revelation 14:4 FEAST OF PENTECOST-fire BOOK OF ACTS receiving tge Holy Spirit FEAST OF TABERNACLES: Christians are the LIVING STONES OF THE TABERNACLE OF GOD 2 CORINTHIANS chpt 6 FEAST OF ATONEMENT Christ died and atoned for our sins. Christ fulfilled the prophecy's.

Sermon7/6/2020 2:18 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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When Patriotism Becomes Idolatry
Rev. James C. Gallagher
“ America: Land of Idolatry ”
America has become a land where the sin of idolatry is highly glamorized. Sadly, many churches across America are guilty of this idolatry since they openly display the golden calf known as the American flag in their sanctuaries and churches. This puts a stumbling block before people's eyes since it leads them to believe that The Lord approves of such American idolatry when Our Lord opposes all manner of idolatry, including American idolatry. It should be noted that any form of nationalism, or national patriotism, including American patriotism, is the sin of idolatry. As we also know, whenever the idolatrous Star-Spangled Banner is played during ceremonial events, people hold their hearts before the stars and stripes as if they are worshiping it. We also realize that the Statue of Liberty in Manhattan harbor is a clear violation of Exodus 20:3-6 since it is a graven image based on a Satanic Roman goddess called Libertas. We realize that the Vatican is not the only nation guilty of idolatry, but America has spread idolatry to every major corner of the globe. If America intends on fulfilling 2 Chronicles 7:14, it must cleanse itself of such idolatrous symbols, including the star spangled banner. No wonder our Puritan forefathers sought to ban idolatry.

Sermon6/26/2020 1:52 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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Dominionism and John Knox - Part 1
Rev. James C. Gallagher
“ Dominionism: Legalistic Christian Government ”
As this sermon shows, Dominionism is really just legalism in the form of a Christian government, particularly monarchy, theocracy, and possibly aristocracy. While dominionists are in fact born again believers, their view of dominionism is heresy because it requires reconstructing the nations of the world as a Christian theocracy. We do have a priority to build The Kingdom of The Lord on earth, but not in a dominionist sense. Both dominionism and the social gospel emphasize political activism. The only difference is that the social gospel is about human rights and liberation activism, whereas dominionism is about establishing Christian theocratic rule on a nation. We are not called to build a humanistic empire. We are called to preach the whole counsel of The Lord as Paul made known in Acts 20:27. Preaching the whole counsel of The Lord also includes preaching The Gospel of Jesus Christ and His Death, Burial, and Resurrection.

Sermon4/13/2020 9:47 PM
Shannon  Find all comments by Shannon
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A First Century Parousia Primer
Rev. James C. Gallagher
“ ”
John the revelator! Rev 1:19

Sermon4/10/2020 10:36 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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When Patriotism Becomes Idolatry
Rev. James C. Gallagher
“ Unsaved American Patriots ”
It should be noted that most American patriots are unsaved people. American patriotism and American "liberty" has nothing to do with eternal salvation since such patriotism and "liberty" from America is only temporal. Most Americans are lost sinners on their way to Hell and The Lake of Fire. People in non-free nations and impoverished third world nations are more likely to receive eternal salvation than Americans. This sermon shows that American patriotism and American "liberty" is only a hindrance to eternal salvation.

Sermon8/14/19 9:08 PM
Elijah from Oklahoma  Find all comments by Elijah
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Reprobates vs Backsliders - Part 1
Rev. James C. Gallagher
“ Wow ”
This was an amazing sermon. Thank you for blessing us with it and thank God for giving me ears to hear what was being said. Praise God!

Sermon4/18/19 10:46 AM
Don Laffere from Uvalde, Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Don Laffere
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Dominionism vs The Israel of God PT2
Rev. James C. Gallagher
“ This & That ”
I've heard this before and have mixed thoughts on this. Don't get me wrong I'm one of your biggest cheerleaders and believed in the Israel of God before I even listen to you. BTW I've listened to probably 400 of your sermons here and listen to you every day. But on Dominionism or a form of it today would go a long way in getting us back on track. If you think about it the 1st Amendment bust the 1st Commandment of the big ten. If I was "Emperor" of the Country I wouldn't burn anyone at the stake I'd just tell em "You can't live here if you are not a Christian , out you go" yes most all churches are not "christian", But when you let in all kinds of religions you get what we are dealing with today. I saw one statement from a Muslim that said "we will use your first amendment to destroy you". So a little Dominionism wouldn't be so bad today. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your words. You are doing a Great Job in getting out the Truth and my hope is that God will bless you and yours. Don Laffere

Sermon3/21/19 4:10 AM
Marcia Montague from London  Find all comments by Marcia Montague
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Incredibly helpful. Thank you so much.

Sermon2/10/19 7:36 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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When Patriotism Becomes Idolatry
Rev. James C. Gallagher
“ National Patriotism: The Sin of Respecting Persons ”
National patriotism is the sin of being a respecter of persons. Remember Acts 10:25-37.

Sermon4/24/18 10:48 PM
Jennifer Mason from South  Find all comments by Jennifer Mason
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“ The Truth Be Told ”
Thank you for your words of truth! There is no such thing as a secret Rapture, the Bible does not speak of such an event, however, we will be seized or harpazo with force when Messiah comes for His bride, before God’s wrath is unleashed upon the earth. It just so happens my Lord took all the wrath I deserved on Calvary, ‘For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1Thessalonians 5:9. Now don’t you think it will be rather odd millions of people will be missing on planet earth? I’d hardly would call that, ‘a secret.’

Sermon10/7/17 12:58 PM
Peter Helland from South Bend IN  Contact via emailFind all comments by Peter Helland
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A First Century Parousia? Pt.2
Rev. James C. Gallagher
“ Great Sermon! ”
Gallagher is back. One of the very few who have the courage to preach contrary to the Zionist Empire influencing the Church

Sermon10/5/17 10:53 PM
Asa from Arizona  Find all comments by Asa
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A First Century Parousia? Pt.2
Rev. James C. Gallagher
“ Great Sermon! ”
Sound teaching ! The sheep have been hoodwinked by the Zionist and dispensationalist!

Sermon8/5/17 3:56 PM
Rose and George Fenton from southern England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rose and George Fenton
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The Israel of God Part 6 of 8 - Romans 11,...
Rev. James C. Gallagher
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you, Pastor Gallagher, for your faithfulness in preaching these precious truths, that the True Israel of God are spiritual Israel, the elect Jews and the elect Gentiles. We have believed this now for many years now, but once were into dispensationalism and grieve that so many are still blinded to the truth. May God still use your preaching to open blind eyes, though these were given 10 years ago.

Sermon8/3/17 11:55 AM
maureen from wigan  Contact via emailFind all comments by maureen
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The Millennium of Revelation 20 - Part 2
Rev. James C. Gallagher
“ Great Sermon! ”

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