Great Sermon! Great sermon about charitable, magnanimous listening, and faithful to Ecclesiastes 7:21-22. Wish I had put these principles in practice earlier.
Good and useful comments The exception clause is not existent when observing the two different words used in the passage in question.
"Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marries her which is put away doth commit adultery." Matthew 19:9 or/and 5:32
The word ‘fornication” –porneia in Greek-, refers to any sin of indecency/immorality/promiscuity or sexual uncleanness outside the marriage bond as in the case of Joseph, which permitted him to lawfully break the engagement with Mary who is said to be his 'wife', not his girl-friend, when they had not yet come together. So one could put away ‘his wife’ in the betrothal period. This is what the clause points out.
Yet after divorce and remarriage the person is not guilty of fornication, but of 'adultery’ –moichao in Greek- This is the word signifying unlawful intercourse by married people outside their marriage bond.
Fornication and adultery should not be confused of interchanged in order to give way to the exception clause. They are mentioned one next to the other as different sins in Gal 5:19
"The works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness...
Convicting t Sermon! We have so many problems within our churches that it's hard to know where to start. But we must always look to the Holy Scriptures in discern what is being preached, and we should press the breather to act as the Holy Spirit leads true believers. There are many who profess to be Christians but act according to their flesh and not to the Spirit. That's one reason for so much acceptance of false teaching today. Many popular preachers are not preaching the Gospel, but their own feelings and beliefs. Some of the largest churches are the weakest in teaching Christ Jesus.
Beware. This sermon has much truth in it.
Powerful Sermon! It's not often in our churches that we hear such a deep explanation of what the Resurrection of Jesus Christ truly offers us in our salvation. He took upon Himself every sin of mankind and destroyed the power of death for those of us who are children of God. His Resurrection is the ultimate proof that He saves us from eternal death and gives us eternal life with Him in heaven when He lives in us and we live in Him. A blessing that we cannot thank Him enough.
Thank you Jesus for your death and resurrection -- I'll see you in heaven soon.
Great Sermon! Not getting this kind of preaching in the churches today.
Keep it foremost in our hearing. Perhaps it will stop the onslaught of heresy confronting our children.
Great Sermon! Honestly one of the best sermons I have ever heard. Thankful for the understanding & that there was no judgement. Out of all the sermons I could have listened to about the subject of depression I am blessed to have heard this one.
Great Sermon! Life changing truth that is for the believer.
I treasure this message. I had always been uncomfortable with be asked by Jesus to eat of His flesh and drink of his blood - now I have the understanding that I must and want always do what I once thought strange.
Great Sermon! Dear Pastor, Thank you for your wonderful sermon. I have learned much this evening from you. God bless you, your family and church
In Christ alone
Lia Leigh.
Great Encouraging Sermon! In the eyes of the world and sadly many pastors, I am too old, too fat, too ugly, too poor, and too sick to serve the Lord. BUT Eph Cpt 1 tells me I am blessed,chosen, holy without blame, predestined, adopted by Christ, accepted in the beloved; precious words I have clung to amist the fiery darts and refusals to allow me to serve. Currently I am suffering greatly from 4 tickborne infections, taking 80+ supplements daily to survive plus various antibiotics so I can get back to serving. All I want to do is serve the Lord, that has been my heart cry these many years and continued through many hard trials, discouraging and desparaging comments and acts of unkindness. This current illness has taken me to deaths door 4 times and yet in the last hours, God has been faithful, even when I have begged Him to bring me Home. Thank you for your faithfulness and clarity in preaching! Thank you for remaining faithful to your calling, I will be lifting you and your church in prayer. Thank you for this sermon which has reminded me my position in God's eyes; He is preparing me for His work and His glory. "I will go in the strength of the Lord GOD:I will make mention of thy righteousness and thine only." Ps 71:16 Thank you for posting your sermons I am confined to home and miss great preaching
Thx for the recommendation! Thanks for making me aware of the hedge God put around all He gave me, my responsibility for the condition on the inside of that hedge and His promise to patch wherever needed if I only repent and ask Him to help me...
God Bless!