Truth is Vital "as the deer pants for the water." Churches must be true to the Bible. There is no other way for The Church to move forward. Change now and return to The Bible. God is not mocked.
Jesus is Truth Thank you Pastor Gros. We mustn't water down the truth or sugar coat it. The ones who say that Truth is "harsh" are those who don't want to follow the Truth. To these people, speaking the Truth will be harsh no matter how gently you say it. People shouldn't attack the messenger but welcome the message. John 8:32.
Great Sermon! in your numbers teaching you mention you will be teaching on Deuteronomy, but we cannot find teachings on this site? Let us know, please. We enjoy ur teaching on numbers
Excellent Sermon! Brother Joseph does a great job showing us what genuine faith is for the Christian -- he reveals the hypocritical workings of too many traditional churches who do all types of ceremonies but do not know Christ Jesus. When we have the Lord and Savior leading us we will do those things that are Scriptural and not only traditional and manmade. If we daily study the Holy Bible we will know how to live our daily life.
Outstanding Sermon! Brother Joseph does a great job showing how much Jesus Christ loved people. It's amazing that He healed so many people with physical problems and yet many of them did not seem to accept His spiritual healings. This is a very heartwarming message that should make us feel blessed to have such a loving God that cares for us.
Great Sermon! Brother Joseph does an excellent job detailing demonic activity in Matthew 8. His presentation is interesting, Scriptural and informative. We should better understand how we will handle our problems, if they are induced by Satan or demons, and how they are working in the world.
Insightful Sermon! Brother Joseph does an excellent job explaining Rev. 6:1-8. There are many hard to understand the people and events involved in Revelation and we all need assistance from those more knowledgeable in it. He gives us a smooth, detailed picture of is expected in the last days.