Timothy Dudley Smith B 1926...a hymn The Lord is here, His promised word is evermore the same. Himself to be, where two or three, are gathered in His name.
Marie here in Wales, the land of song and home of MLJ who also has a good voice that you often hear during his services.🎶 This sermon series of books on Romans are like hen's teeth here too in Wales,UK...smiles. People do have them but they are definitely reluctant to part with them...I've been hunting for an age. His sermon series on the book of Romans was preached to the congregation at Westminster Chapel in the heart of central London on Friday evenings between October 1955 to March 1968...wow! and wow again.
The title of this just made my day. I just know I am going to be blessed by this. I listened to his sermon series on Romans a few years back...took some time to get through but wow, what an investment.
Great Sermon! Thank you, pastor Chesney. Praise God for your command of His Word and your caution about false prophets. I thought of the popular book, Left Behind, when you explained 'bad' figs would remain in Jerusalem (and be destroyed because they did not listen to the true prophets of God.) May the Lord have mercy on us and give us a new heart for Him and His Word.
America's Rebellion Against Yehovah Because America has rejected its former Biblical Puritan Foundation, it literally has become a nation of fools. This is because America has allowed free scope for religious pluralism, popery, rock music, LGBT behavior, adultery, occultism, New Age, liberalism, apostate denominations, immodesty, and so forth. This is a notable example of how America has rebelled against Yehovah.
Amen and Amen! Up until recently, I could say that I had been in more countries than states. Between that experience and working with refugees here in the U.S., and watching politics and global economics, Isreal, and mainly reading God's inerrant, inspired, sufficient Word it is very apparent that we rapidly nearing the end. My father-in-law, former missionary and pastor, always said, "We will not go through the tribulation but we may feel like it as persecution is coming down the fast track to the whole world." He was so right. May we share the Lord Jesus Christ and memorize His Word in these last days and not be mesmerized or captured by the treasures of this world which is only temporal. Everything other than Christ will end up as just an ash heap. The only difference between rich and poor at the end will be the size of their ash heaps. I want to serve the Lord, for He is our exceeding great reward!
Excellent Exposition - Truthful. Uncompromising. Thank you for faithfully preaching the Word of God. It's becoming more and more difficult to find a church that holds to the AV and one that truly believes in the sufficiency of Scripture. May God keep you and enable you to continue preaching in this dark country.
Great Sermon! I humbly admit that I lack in the area of prayer. Your message has caused me to completely re-evaluate my prayer life. Thank you for the wonderful message. This is a recipe that I will be sharing with all my friends and family for sure! God bless and grace be with you.