Wise Obliviousness - Profound words to live by Outstanding and clear presentation of the gospel and a practical view of the Christian life. Dr. Kim Thank you for demonstrating the perspicuity of the Scriptures and the singularity of purpose, which as Christians we share. Let us look onward placing our trust upward in our faithful Father, communing with Him daily in prayer for the strength to press onward. I have truly been blessed through this message.
Judas Never Lost His Salvation. Judas may have been called a disciple because he was of the number chosen by God to follow him but that was not for the purpose of salvation. For though he was among them he was not of them, he was of a different spirit as is plain to see in his motives, most notably his lust for money and his feigned affection, for he betrayed the Son of God “with a kiss.” In His high priestly prayer in John 17 Jesus spoke of him as an exception when he said, v. 12 “While I was with them, I was keeping them in Your name which you have given Me, and I guarded them and not one of them perished but the son of perdition, so that the Scripture would be fulfilled.” Cross references to this verse are John 13:18; 6:70-71; Acts 1:16-20; Psalm 41:9; Matthew 26:24; Mark 14:21: Luke 22:3,31-32; Psalm 109:8: and Zechariah 11:12-13. He didn’t lose his salvation because he never possessed salvation, which is only ours through believing faith in Jesus Christ.
Great Sermon! I love your sermons; they are clear and crisp as the mid day sun. But your sermons are cute off too short when your prayer at the end of the sermon is cut out. I would love to hear your prayer so I can pray with you as you pray. Thank you
Sam Rafeedie
What about this verse? Matthew 26:24
The Son of Man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been better for that man if he had not been born.”
Great Sermon! My wife cheated and left me after 23 years. I fought to keep it together but she is now living with him. For almost 2 years. I filed for divorce..I had no other option. I'm hoping to find some answers in your sermon.. I completely agree with the scriptures on this topic. But also am struggling with the whole situation..
Truth! You and Pastor Peter are the only pastors I know that speak the truth of the Word about remarriage while the original spouse is alive. Keep up the good work, brother!
This sermon is for those who want to get wisdom Thank you for preaching about this growing concern. Most Muslims would think it uncharitable if someone presumed their food is not Halal. They would be very taken aback at the presumption. Therefore a mature person can never say to themselves, "That Muslim didn't tell me it was Halal". Thank you for discussing New York. We have a problem sweeping the U.K. which is Halal symbols are put onto the packaging of vegetarian and vegan products solely so they can capture the consumer market. Many British people, whose grandparents were Christian, are working in Halal eateries. I have been upset because I heard a British-heritage woman, wearing nightclub attire, tell me she prefers Halal because "the way they kill it makes it cleaner meat".
Great Sermon! Excellent boots on the ground evangelistic message that is both God-honoring and a stirring challenge for evangelism to reach the hell-bound.
Very Good Sermon First sermon I listened to here. Good ending too; other than it cuts off at the prayer... I would have liked to hear that too. Maybe next time.
Welcome to the Kingdom,
Be Blessed!
Praise God This is a beautiful message
May this bring glory to God
I listened late at night as I prepare to rise early and take the family to a park for growing together as a family.
I sowed sweet corn seeds and cantaloupe plants we grew from seed, while listening to this message . Thankful for this ministry. Romans 15:13
Great Sermon! I can not be a Roman Catholic. The fallacy! If I was the last Catholic alive and died then went into purgatory, no one(1) would be around to pray me out. Solution? Praise God and His son, Jesus.