Follow the footsteps of Jesus Have reviewed yet again. “The bottom line about spiritual power is the faith to endure. Afflictions are not just persecution, but also going through physical difficulty, mental anguish, crucifying the flesh, and other trials”. Continuing to have joy in every day certainly is a challenge. But how wonderful to be encouraged in such things so that I can face the mundane of the every days with joy in Christ. Thank you for the encouragement and conviction of this message.
Have you lost your joy? Have you become grumbly hateful or are you humbly grateful? No matter our circumstances we need to be thankful IN all things and when we are we will never lose our joy. Thankfulness leads to joyfulness. Thank you , pastor JD, for your faithfulness in teaching the truth of the gospel for the glory of God.
Amazing message I'm humbly grateful and not grumbly hateful. This massage was one of those that grab you right from the first phrase. Thank you for being open to hear the Spirit of God and faithful to deliver to the flock God has put you in charge of.
Great Sermon! There’s no way anyone would be able to overcome in their own power. Thank God for his provision through Jesus Christ! What a comfort it is knowing that no matter what life throws at us, God has us through it all. In this life as well as the next. Hallelujah ! To God be the glory!
Great Sermon! Very good info. Encouraging to know Jesus has already overcome death and has given us that same victory. Death is the last enemy and Jesus has taken away our fear of death by the promise of life with Him eternally. Amen
This is the sermon everyone needs to hear! No matter where you are in your Christian walk, no one is exempt from afflictions. John 15 Jesus says He is the vine, we are the branches, and that God the Father is the Vinedresser who will prune us. But only for our good and His glory. He wants us to cling to Him, not run from Him. When we go through these momentary afflictions God is calling us to Him. As a child depends on their parents for what they need, we need to stay close to God and pray for endurance to go through the afflictions as we sojourn through this world. Suffer well.
So interesting I was just entranced buy this message, it is really nice to get some of that deep perspective of the Old Testament. Thank you, I look forward to more of this type of message.