Great Sermon! Fantastic historical Messages. Everyone ought to listen to these messages on the presidents. You will get a real education on the history of this country.
Like Paul use every opportunity to share the Gospel Paul was considered an outstanding Jew until he saw that Jesus was indeed the promised Messiah of Israel, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, who came to save all men. Then Paul became a victim of Jewish hate, who plotted to have him murdered, they had Paul delivered into the hands of the Romans who judicially examined Paul and kept on wanting to release him because they found Paul innocent of anything deserving the death penalty. But Paul was compelled to use his rights as a Roman citizen to appeal to Ceaser. Paul used the chains that bound him to preach the gospel to the whole Pretorian Guard. God has given us all a will, (volition) so that when the spirit of God calls us we can choose to either rebel against or follow God. The Apostle Paul was a prisoner in Rome for preaching the Gospel to the Jews, whom he loved so much. The Jews chose to rebel against the Messiah, King of Israel and they plotted to falsely accuse Jesus and have Him murdered. They murdered Jesus on false charges and when Jesus rose from the dead they also tried to suppress that. Paul himself saw Jesus again on the road to Damascus.
Wonderful message in the inspired language that the book was penned. My Dear Brother Dr Jim Phillips, thank you for sharing all these wonderful in-depth messages from the Book of the Acts of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm learning so much of God's word from these tremendous messages
Why take time to study Hebrew Knowing Hebrew will vaccinate you against error and heresy. Athiesism and evolution are a sacrifice of the intellect to an irrational conclusion, because it's absolutely mathamatically impossible.Â
Another inspired defence delivered by God's Apostle Paul Thank you for sharing from the Greek Bible this wonderful account of Pauls tremendous self-defence in front of King Agrippa, his sister, the Phairases and the Scribes.
Hebrew will straighten out your theology Dear Brother Dr Phillips, I thank you once again for going through Genesis 1:1-2. I was saved listing to a message from John 1:1 and then my heart was pointed to learn all I can about creation, because I believe people are being lead astray and lost because their foundation has been taken from under their feet when they are brainwashed onto believing in the so called theory of evolution or the young earth theory.
Ungodly people in power Just as it was in the days when God's Apostle Paul was persecuted and falesly accused by the Jews, we also have ungodly people in power over us making ungodly decisions. That's for sharing background about who Bernice and Agrippa were.