The Lord God All Mighty is our Sheppard For those who wish to listen to an account of a true actual historical event that confirms that the Lord Jesus Christ is our Sheppard, I strongly recommend taking a moment to listen to this wonderful message. God bless you Dr James Phillips and thank you for sharing this message.
Great Sermon! Another good one. Been going through the whole exodus series and I always like the side studies such as in this one the lapsarian, calvanistic and armenian differences expounded upon. Learned a little nugget from The letter from pilate to ceasar as well as a result of jumping over and listening to it. Jesus could have stopped 3 times along the way to golgotha to offer up a defense , but that verse he kept silent as a lamb ked to the slaughter just resounded in side of me and made perfect sense in light of that. I did not know until today condemned criminals had that option.
Good stuff and great teaching as always. Keep on doing what you're doing. I'm still out here soaking as much of it up as possible.
Greek is the most perfect language ever created by mankind For those who wish to gain a brief understanding of the eight cases in Greek I recommend taking the time to listen to this wonderful lesson. When you decline a noun in Greek and Hebrew there are eight noun cases; nominative, genetive, ablative, locative, instrumental, dative, accusative and vocative.
Faith Hope and Love Faith, Hope, Love, the three eternal gifts from God, given to the church. Thank you brother for sharing this message on the gifts of God.
I'm listening and learning Dr Phillips you have not failed us your students. We have learnt so much indepth knowledge of the Bible from your messages and with that knowledge are able to stand firm and share the truth of the Gospel when opportunities come our way. God bless you both.
Inspire, to breathe in. The 66 books of the Bible are inspired by God Himself. We walk in darkness in this world, but God's word is a light that shows us what's right and what's wrong.
The author of all false regulations From the very beginning when Satan tempted Eve, he has been energising men and women to spread false doctrine amongst mankind in order to get them to believe in idols and false gods. The word "religion" is made up from the Latin word "ligation" which is the act of binding and "re" which in English entomology means back or again and "ion" which means the act of, or the result of an act. So the word "religion" means the act of binding back again. Bringing us back to God again through Jesus Christ. But the Prince of Darkness uses false religions to bind people away from God to Islam, Catholicism, Mormonism, Buddhism, Jehovas Witness, etc. In the Muslim world their statement of faith is: "there is no god but allah and he has no companion". In other words Allah has no son. That's blasphemy. "And Muhammad is his messenger". In other words according to Islam, Jesus is submissive to Muhammad. There's no blasphemy higher than that. The inspiration for all this false religion derives from the Power of Darkness, Satan himself. He is the one energising all these people. The word דְרָקוֹן in Hebrew, pronounced "naton" is another of Satan's names, "naton" means "firey red dragon" used to descibe what became of Aaron's walking stick when he threw it down before Pharaoh. It became a firey red
Standing firm against Satan the Devil A wonderful message that reminds us to stand firm in Jesus and resist Satan's attempts to snatch us away from God.
Moses was moved by Gods Holy Spirit to write the accounts of creation, the fall, the flood and give the law But understand
this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of or comes from one’s own personal or specia interpretation,for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. - 2 Peter 1:20-21