Great Sermon! Thanks for this Sermon on Domestic Violence. More churches need to speak out against this sin. My abuser used the Bible against me which kept me from leaving but after I knew that Jesus would most likely hate abuse more than Divorce I sought courage to finally leave my abuser. Now I'm his scapegoat and have made more enemies among friends / family. But I know that God knows the truth and He is waiting SO AM I! !!!
Great Sermon! Because of my husbands' continual abuse, I had to leave my home 3 weeks go. I'm now in a hotel. We've been married for 42 years. I am a Christian women and was so blessed to have found your site yesterday after a search.
Please pray for my safety..I hope to go back home before long, of course, without my husband at the home.
My lawyer has written to his lawyer advising I require a restraining order against him before any further matters can be worked on. He was physically violent many years ago, and i had to stay home for almost 2 weeks, the injures on my face were so severe. After that, it has been continual verbal and emotional abuse. i had to leave.
Thank you Pastor Jeff Crippen for your website...i will read more of your sermons. There are not many pastors who have the wisdom, courage and conviction to speak as eloquently as you about this horrible abuse.
P.S. This is the most difficult time of my life, but also the most blessed...i feel God guiding me every step of the way.
Great Sermon! This is an awesome series and much needed! It is not only biblical but balanced. Thank you so much for all the work and discernment that was put into this series.
God bless you!
Thank you Thank you so much for putting this online.
What I love about it is the following : #1 ) Exposing Sin for what it is with the light of Scripture. #2 ) Helping us see ourselves in some of these areas as well. For example in my tendency in me to want to be controlling of my children rather than training them up through the power of the gospel.
Great Sermon! A must to hear for all who have been severly abused or trying to help the abused.
Biblical presentation of doctrine of divorce and when the Pastors/Elders in our churches should allow divorce.
Highly recommend all sermons in this series on the psychology of sin. Much needed in our churches and homes.
Thankyou Pastor. Great subject. Dear Pastor Crippen, I have enjoyed a number of your sermons and appreciate your clear and, above all, your humble approach to your subjects. It is refreshing to hear you speak so respectfully to your congregation, thankyou.
Concerning this sermon, I am sure you are aware that Israel was, and always shall be, 'Jehovah's Wife'. His covenantal faithfulness to them is one of the many certainties of scripture. And, whilst the Church is the 'Bride of Christ', she will never usurp the place of Israel.
Every blessing to you in Him.
Kevin O'Neil.
Must Hear Sermon! This is the best sermon I have heard on the 9th Commandment. This study is about truth vs falsehood. God is love and God is truth. Learning the importance of truth is rarely understood.