Very, Very Good! Thank you, pastor Jeff, for showing that there's more to Ephesians than the passages that people use to exercise authority over someone for their own gain. As Christians, we are to love the Lord Jesus and be imitators of Him.
Many Thanks for This Message I have a relative who continually tells me about the Scripture twisting going on by her abusive (bullying) partner to justify his actions. Thank you for dealing with this.
Great Sermon! Yes Mary, It is a terrible thing to be targeted so many times. But Thank GOD we are now wiser.
I am following GOD"S instructions and reading Proverbs everyday. The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the LORD. Reading Proverbs will instruct us in our daily living and how to recognize evil.
Blessings to you,
Excellent The truths in this sermon hit like a ton of bricks, brought such clarity regarding the remnant. So grateful for what God is doing through your ministry. Thank you.
Great Sermon! Another excellent body of wise wisdom on the nature of evil.
I read Vanessa's comment. I too have been the victim of evil men more than once. How sad it is to escape one to only be deceived by another. I do not know why this happens to some of us women. But I do have an idea. We are left so vulnerable after escaping an evil abusive man, there is virtually no one in the 'church' that understands, instead you find yourself the object of gossip, or you are avoided, or looked down upon, or worse still blamed for that happened to you. (You 'let' it happen. You should have known better. We don't believe that you were deceived by this man. It's all your fault for getting involved with him...etc). So we are left largely alone, or fully alone, now a pariah of sorts. This makes us doubly vulnerable, even more vulnerable than the original varied reasons that we were an easy target for an evil man in the first place. And then comes satan, right in a moment of weakness and lonlieness with just the words and comforts we want to hear and feel, in the form of an angel of light, in the form of words dripping with honey, in the form of a charming, confident man promising us the world, and claiming Christ. Oh what a tragedy to fall victim a second, third or fourth time. I had no one around teachin
At first I thought you might be a little paranoid. But the reality is we are all willfully asleep and therefore complicit - James 4:17. I thank you for waking me up on multiple levels.
You don't miss a thing Brother. I hope they appreciate you as their Pasfor in Tillamook. I would love to sit under a man like you and learn. As per Keep it secret ... Whatever is done in secret will be shouted from the rooftops - Luke 12 ... Better to come clean NOW
Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord! When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.