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From the false to salvation in Christ A message for anyone who doesn't yet know Christ - beginning with a warning about those who are false - and the truth about Christ!
Second comment. . . This message deals more with spiritual renewal/regeneration more than the spiritual discipline of fasting. Wonderful sermon, however.
What an outlook. . . I really enjoyed listening to the message "Jesus and Fasting". Once I got past the thick accent (though no fault of the speaker's own, but mine), I found the central message to be sound and spiritually uplifting. I especially liked the perspective on the "wine skins". This sermon is packed with a great deal of truth in the span of 37 minutes. Praise God for the Man of God who proclaims the precious Word of God. What a fresh outlook. . .pertinent, indeed.
Great Sermon! I want to thank you for this wonderful message that you shared with us today.
I share with you the great love of our Lord and I long to be counted with you one day as one of God's jewels and spoken of by Him as "Mine". I look forward to hearing more of what you have to teach. Thank you from the deepest place in my heart. You are truly a gift to the ministry of Christ.
heartwarming sermon Brother macaskill looks at this portion of scripture from various aspects, all practically challenging,but encouraging to the saints, and extremely Christ centred, which is a joy to the soul, as one listens!He starts off by showing, how,humanly speaking, Paul could be downcast or weakened in prison, awaiting death,but that he is actually strengenthed in that situation, and how often we too wonder how we could cope in similar situations. (For myself, i have wondered how i would cope with say, facing torture at the hands of the inquisition, or how i would cope being tied to the stake at Smithfield to be burnt to death, or even to follow Christ literally in being crucified as some of the saints were in times past.)Well, my Saviour has promised to give grace sufficient when the time arises, even though the natural man recoils at such thoughts.Thankyou once again dear brother for such a lovely sermon.
Serious, Searching Sermon Are we professing Christians?
Then why do we hide our lights under a bushel?
Our brother gives us two reasons why this should be, and those that listen to this so practical sermon will search their hearts and go forward as renewed good soldiers of Jesus Christ.
Great Sermon! Have you done something that you believe was right in the sight of God?
And what has happened is that even so , you are now suffering "ill".?
Well, take heart. This sermoon will thrill your souls, preached in an understanding and sympathetic way.
Those young in the faith as well as those of a little further along the narrow way that leads to life will gain great comfort and blessing from this message.
Thankyo again brother Macaskill for your faithfulness in preaching the Word of God.
Great Sermon! Practical lessons which can be applied to our own walk with the Lord abound in the life of Joseph, and here are some fresh considerations from his younger years presented in this preachers usual tenderhearted manner, but burning in his zeal to be a blessing to both the Lord's people and those still dead in trespasses and sins.
Thankyou dear brother for your faithfulnes in your Christ centered ministry , may it be a blessing to yourself as you study, and your flock as you pastor them, and the added benefit of the wider audience who listen to them via sermonaudio.
Blessed Sermon! Every now and again one comes across a child of grace worried that he/she has commited the "unpardonable" sin.
Brother Macaskill proves from scripture that this can never be so,
but also tells us what this sin is, and has some challenging as well as encouraging words to say both to saints and sinners.
You will be blessed in your soul by this brothers graciuos and humble disposition, in his delivery of the word of God.
A very good sermon indeed, and a real asset to the library of sermonaudio .
David in a cave Are you hurt,lonely,backslidden,confused,distressed,etc. ?
Then let us look at David in the cave, and listen to this warmhearted,sweet,encouargibg sermon by a most tender preacher who has a pastors heart for the saints and sinnes too.
Also he brings out the Christlke application of this part of the Word of God.
Thankyou Mr. Macaskill for this lovely sermon which was a real blessing to my soul, and the walk along the narrow way.