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The best call to “come”that i’ve ever heard preached! Dear Dr. Ferguson,
Spurgeon, D Martin Lloyd Jones, Phillips Brooks, Fenelon, Alastair Begg, Billy Graham - they are some of my beloved preachers of the Word; but this sermon of yours stands alone as an Anointed call to come to Christ;
and your deep desire that your flock come to know Him brought me to my knees and blessed me with tears.
You are a mighty servant of the Lord; may He always make His Face to shine upon you.
Thank you, Sinclair, for your life given in the service of our Lord!
To Him be the Glory,
In Jesus’ Holy Name
your sister-in-the Christ
Great Sermon! Salient,serious,solemn.
How needful for us to be less concerned about what people think and continually aware that God sees our heart.Biblical and pastoral sermon for our digital media fascination.Thank you
Great Sermon! Loved the clear teaching of God the Holy Spirit in this message. How marvelous to have the same Spirit in us who indwelled Jesus our Lord. Amazing grace indeed.
Great Sermon! Such a wonderful passage - Pastor Edward Donnelly preached on this several years ago as part of his sermons on the doctrine of justification - i have never forgotten the analogy or the importance of this foundational doctrine .
Great Sermon! Thank you. God has done a NEW thing in my life which I did not even dream of. It had really sprung out of nothing & from non existence to reality.
Our God is unique & there is no other god & none like Him.
Great Sermon! Lovely preaching, dear brother; thank you.
I have really been enjoying your series in Exodus. It has been such a blessing to find and hear these messages to strengthen me in my current circumstances. They are so relevant to my situation that it amazes me that while you don't know my circumstances personally, one could assume you do by the way God has spoken to me so clearly through your preached word and has blessed and uplifted me on all these occasions.
Thanks again and praise be to God!
Beautiful Message! I had missed hearing Sinclair Ferguson, so I just did a search om SermonAudio and this was the newest recording that I found. Thanks for sharing it.
'Passion of Jesus' preached 7 july by David Scott Just listened to BOTH sermons preached at Kingsview on 7 July 2015 by David Scott Retired. Who is this man? When was he inducted into the APC?
Outstanding Sermon! The corruptness and depravity of mankind works to reject Jesus Christ and the Gospel. Jesus came to search and to save sinners. As sinners we must see how lost we are and need to have Jesus Christ make us a child of God. We cannot do it, but if we open our heart and soul and beg Jesus Christ to enter into us and redeem us from our lost life, He will do so. Don't let a corrupt and depraved heart keep you from Him -- that's why He came and died for us. If we are already saved, thank Him for this great blessing.