Great Sermon! Awesome Awesome Awesome , Praise The Lord for churches like Bethel and Liberty Faith , and pastors who believe what they preach and preach what they believe !
Great Sermon! Hallelujah! My "financial advisor" has OKd my monthly $7 membership to Bethel! Starting immediately, and automatically every month thereafter! Again, I say, Hallelujah! You're maybe getting that confirmation tomorrow when you read this! I am SO excited! My financial advisor is Aaron Bender (my son-in-law who is a CPA, helping me out of my financial difficulties, praise God!). If I was walking into your church I would feel SO at home. It LOOKS like our church, same size & all! Pastor Mike preaches like our Pastor Robbins! Right out o' the KJB! He LOVES the KJB! I just LOVE it, too, & you all! Looking FORWARD to meeting you all one day SOON!
Ginny Brown
Great Sermon! Thank you!!
I have family who believe this deception whole-heartedly. I had one person tell me I'm not saved unless I speak this modern-day gibberish and be baptised in Jesus' name only. (They believe salvation is a process.) I've known, since childhood, that this is evil and to steer clear of it.
If Jesus Himself said, "A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and THERE SHALL NO SIGN BE GIVEN unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas (Mat 16:4)," and tongues are for a sign (1 Cor 14:22), then why would anyone seek this out, except to receive some kind of fleshly "proof" that just "feels" right, rather than believing by faith? How much faith is required when they're having this experience? Where's this 'feeling' coming from? Obviously not the Holy Spirit, per Jesus.
Hey Pastor Mike! It's nice to meet you! I listen to you practically all day, AND all night! When I wake up during the night I get another one going! I have to leave my pets alone this weekend so I'm hoping to get that 24 hr. deal to work non-stop to keep them company! ) God bless you, brother, your family, church & ministry! Ginny
I also want to listen to these sermons WHEREVER I am or go! I have an mp3 player BUT I have to have my GRANDKIDS show me how to work it! ) I listen to Pastor Mike practically 24/7! Can't get enough of his preachin'! I do have a local church that I also can't get enough of - Calvary Baptist! GOOD preachin'! Love y'all! Lookin' forward to our heavenly family reunion - SOON! Ginny Brown
Great Sermon! Another awesome teaching by Pastor Mike!! I never knew the connection between the book of Leviticus and Levi before listening to this. Nor did I know that Levi was the most horrendous sinner of the tribes of Israel, but that he and his line were chosen by God to be the high Priests because they HAD to be humble. Amazing teaching as always,
Thank you Pastor Mike
Great Sermon! Thank you for speak and standing firm in our Father's Words KJV, it is hard finding anyone these day, who are willing to just read and teach from his words and nothing more. It has nourish my soul and heart. I stop going to church, but will continue to pray for them. I to believe churches today has been lead away from the real truth. I thank our Father, for such blessing truth thru you. Love ya!...
Great Sermon! Going to Bethel church on a regular basis in person would be the only reason I can think of to move to the St. Louis, MO area. My wife and myself watch the live broadcasts of Pastor Mike all the time and really wish there was a church as good in our area. Keep up the good work for the Lord. R. Lee
Great Sermon! Pastor Mike is such a blessing to this family! We sit on the edge of our seats and are never disappointed. God has used you in a great way to feed us spiritually. We thank you for your courage and character and indeed, your honesty. What a MAN!! We too would love to move to Festus. God bless you, our friend. We are praying for you and Lisa.