Why so little telling of the LORDS help? Is it because for the most we live with the thought that we have so little physicial need "we have it all". O that we could acknowledge the LORD for every morsel of bread we recieve and let others know it is recieved from the Lord alone no matter how insignificant it may seem, specially our chilldren lest they forget the goodness of God for every moment of every day He allows us our breath and we are not consumed.
Great Sermon! Though many reformed churches stress God's grace, this sermon deals also with man's responsibility. The Holy Spirit draws us to Christ's blood, but we must wach our garments.
My Father Governs All Things! Do you struggle with doubts about God's care for you? Listen to this sermon and, with God's blessing, have your faith strengthened. The Lord used this sermon to strengthen my trust in Him. He cares for me, and you!
Great Sermon! It reminds me of God's undeserved grace for grave backsliding sinners. We depart from Him and cannot return to the source of all blessings, but through Christ's sacrifice our condesending God does so in tender mercy! PRAISE THE LORD!!
PLEASE PLEASE Download This Sermon! This is an AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME sermon. You will want to hear it, and feel compelled to THANK GOD for such a wonderful, timely reminder ALL believers need!
Here is just a SMALL sampling:
Rev. Cornelis (Neil) Pronk states:
"There is none on Earth that I desire beside Thee. But we discover that we have died to sin by our union in Christ, but it as by no means died in us. This teaches us that our NEW affections for spiritual things need to be renewed and rekindled CONSTANTLY throughout the whole of our pilgrimage. Jonathan Edwards wrote, 'True religion is a matter of affections.'
Great Sermon! Hear this wonderful message! Learn about all our marvelous spiritual blessings and what it means to be united to Christ! Praise God from whom all Blessings flow! Salvation is of the Lord!