Great Sermon! I praise and thank God for hearing this sermon.
It is nothing to us? as we look at:
The corruption of our nation, the curse of the cults rubbishing a false Christian culture,the cry of the lost who do not know Christ the savior, the calamity facing our family. Lets pray and lets do what we can.
Great Sermon! Dear Pastor, Thank you for your message. I am a missionary pastor in Nigeria. I find the people here more hungry and thirsty for righteousness than in the US. We see desperate souls seeking God until He finds them. We pray for revival in OURSELVES FIRST, then in the home, in the city and from here, to the nations. The key (we have found)is to preach, proclaim, praise, lift up, Christ crucified. He is soooo lovely that many are attracted to Him, fall in love with Him and commit their lives to Him, unconditionally.
You can never underestimate the power of one believer who is ready to openly burn for Jesus. 'People come to see me burn...' said a saint long ago.
God bless you, your family and friends,
In Christ alone, Lia Leigh.
Nice Biblical Aftertaste This pastor knows his way around the Good Book. I think the subject he talked about in this sermon needs to be spoken more often, especially in this day in age.
I give it 4 out of 5 pillars.
A Must Hear! Pastor Pereira preaches a much-needed sermon for men and women to hear. He clearly brings out the wonderful priviliges Samson experienced and the fall of this man of faith (Heb. 11) because of tolerated lust.
Great Sermon! (31st on my odyssey) Thankyou dear brother Saur for this interesting,edifying and challenging sermon.I am on an odyssey of listening to a sermon from each book of the Bible,by a speaker whom i have not heard before. This venture is a great blessing,what a great site Sermonaudio is.May the Lord be pleased to bless your ministry to the glory of His name.
Christians need discernment today This sermon truly gave great information that Christians needs to
know Biblical truths and not be taken
in by false teachers and prophets who
are deceiving many today. We must
depend on the Holy Bible and not on
man to find our salvation. Be extra
careful about the popular "Christian
teachers and preachers" who mix error
and truth in their message. Some of
the most popular Christian leaders
have become weak in their leadership and have strayed from sound Bible
doctrine. The Holy Bible has all the
truth needed -- new revelations are
not Biblical -- study the Holy Bible,
ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and always focus your study on Jesus
Thank you, Dr. Pereira! What a blessing! I can't thank you enough for reminding us of the significance of forgiveness. God bless you always and in all ways, dear Dr. Pereira!
Great Sermon! As usual, Pastor John speaks kindly and simply, with the balance necessary to keep us from error. Thank you , pastor, for another good message.
Encouraging Sermon! This message is so appropriate for anyone going through trials. I am currently in a physical trial and the words from Pastor Pereira helped me to get my foucs back where it belongs... on the Lord and not on me!!
Praise the Lord for Godly men like Pastor Pereira who faithfully teach God's Word
The Bible Cure for Depression! The Bible Cure for Depression! Worth the time to carefully listen to. AMEN!
Some must hear thoughts:
"The promise of the Saviour keeps the Christian from depression.
If we would only stop thinking about the things that so easily beset us-it would absolutely kill depression.
You don'’ need prozac. You need to start looking to what you have to look forward to.
Washington saw the Hessions at Trenton. A lesser man would have seen the Delaware choked with ice.
The majority of the people see the obstacles. The few see the finish line!"
Again, AMEN!
Some truth; some error Overall, Pastor Pereira did a good job of enumerating the problems of Reconstructionism. However, he is mistaken in lumping Covenant Theology in with Reconism. Historic (Reformed) Covenant Theology is not compatible with the foundational tenets of Reconism, as some of the more honest Recons (such as North and Rushdoony) have admitted. Also, there is no such persons in the movement as "Greg Benson" or "Rousas J. Roshdoony." Their names were Bahnsen and Rushdoony. Any Reconstructionist listening will immediately close his ears after hearing such careless mistakes. For a critique of Reconism from a Reformed perspective, see
Great Sermon! Great sermon very helpful its great to be reminded what a wonderful Lord and savoiur we have who blesses us in our ways 10/10 Its nice to here a pastor who is really used and blessed by the Lord
Great Sermon! Excellent message! This is a "must-hear." This is a fervently preached message with good practical truth! God bless you Pastor Pereira.
Great Sermon! My husband is suffering with lung cancer. He has accepted The Lord as his savior but our hearts are so sad.
We are both 48 years old. I wish the Lord would come today. I'm longing for that trumpet sound. Thank-you for that uplifting sermon!