A Strong Stand for Truth and Right Bro. Foster, thanks for your strong stand for what is right and true, even when it means disagreeing with old friends. It's a pity when believers rejoice in a physical assault against a minister of God's Word. May the Lord keep you safe, and may hearts that are hardened be broken by God's Word.
Great Savior. Another blessed story about God saving a sinner in His grace! Importance of testifying about the Lord to sinners. God can use them in the salvation of others. As it is in this story: God used the verse a young lady spoke from Genesis 6:3.
Amazing Sermon! Listen! Great explanation of the cross which addressed one of the often overlooked details of the cross. When Christ took the wrath of almighty God in our place in the hours of darkness. Praise God !
Great is our God! I rejoiced together with the people of God in Portadown for the work God did in those 40 years. I am glad for the great work of God in Northern Ireland in these last 50 years! God's work is a joy for the people of God everywhere!
The work of God. Tragedy in Israel: for 20 years there was no Day of Atonement, the ark being taken. But God worked in those years to create a hunger for Him in the hearts of the people. So, it is an encouragement for us: even if we cannot see, God is working when we are praying. So we must go on in faith! God will manifest some day His works.
Great Sermon!(57th on my odyssey) Thankyou dear brother Hartin for this interesting,encouraging and challenging sermon. I am on an odyssey of listening to a sermon from each book of the Bible ,preached by a speaker whom i have not heard before.
This is a most blessed venture,of which Sermonaudio is a most awesome site,to be able to do this.may the Lord be pleased to bless your ministry to the glory of His name.
Great Sermon! Patiently waiting upon the Lord! A blessed sermon to encourage prayer and trusting God to answer His promise that we have plead yet it will only be so in HIS own appointed time!
'Let us call upon him again, and admit no doubt upon the question of his hearing us...God will answer his pleading people in their anguish. He has wonders in store for them' C H Spurgeon
Great work of God. I am thankful to God for His work in the Presbyterian church, as I learned from this testimony. It was encouraging for me to learn how God is working today. And, if pastor Cairns said that in February they celebrated the 1000000th download on sermonaudio, I am thankful to God for Alan Cairns sermon and I can say that I "celebrated" the 50th sermon listened to, from May to November.
God Youth Message Rev Elliott hits every single youth passage of Scripture as best I can tell. He leaves no stone unturned. He does a very thorough job. A youth leader would find a prize here.
A Real Blessing! This testimony of Ivan Foster is a real blessing. It demonstrates the mighty power of God to save sinners.
Also, it shows how the Lord uses little words of witness to prick the conscience of sin and the need to surrender.
It will encourage Believers to be faithful in our witness, for who knows what great things the Lord may use our testimony to achieve. He promises in His Word, that it shall not return unto Him void, but it shall accomplish His purpose.
Bro. Foster's real love for the lost, especially the lost Catholics in his country, really shines through in this testimony.
Finally, it is a real joy to hear the little anecdotes of his life and ministry that give color to the man and cannot but heighten appreciation for his ministry.
I recommend all Bro. Ivan's messages on SermonAudio - they never cease to be fresh and lively in the truth they reveal from God's Word.
Your message on Joseph Scriven was timely for me indeed. Just last week I had the privelege of visiting the small private cemetary where Joseph Scriven and his sweetheart Eliza Roche lay,toe to toe, awaiting that glorious morning when Christ will appear to claim his Church. For me both "Joseph" and "What a Friend" has much meaning.
What a Friend was my Mother's favorite hymn and was sang at her funeral. Also it is claimed that Joseph Scriven was the first Brethern Preacher to come to Ontario, if not Canada. It is through the Brethern movement that my Father and Mother found their Lord as well as myself and other members of my family. I suppose, since the day of his own conversion, that dispite his own heartache and sorrow, it can be said that either directly or indirectly, as a result of the Brethern movement hundreds of thousand Christians owe their salvation to to this man. I say this not in any way diminish the work on the Cross.
Thank you for this touching story of God's providence and love to His children through the life and ministry of Joseph Scriven. Your account caught our eye as we had just returned from a worship service in which we sang this lovely old hymn.