Great Sermon! This was one of the most fantastic sermons I have heard yet! This really was very profound: It's not God who needs to be reconciled to
us, but it is us who desperately needs to be
reconciled to Him. And, in our unbelieving
state we have neither the desire nor the ability
to do so. We are dead in our tresspasses and
sins, walking according to the course of this
world, by nature we are children of wrath,
without hope unless and until our Saviour Jesus
gives us hearts of flesh from hearts
of stone. We stand speechless before Him without
defense or excuse recognizing our helpless state
and the justice that should be ours and the grace
we can never earn. Thus it was that Jesus was sent
into this world to take on human flesh and blood
and live a life of perfect and active obedience
for us and then exchanging our sin for His righteousness
on the cross experiencing the torments of hell there.
Dying the death that we should have died, rising
again for our justification. God sent His son to
preserve our lives for eternity. Our sin and our
guilt...there ours to acknowledge, there ours to
confess, there ours to repent of, but once we do..
we can joyfully come into the presence of Savior
who calls us to these words found in Matthew 11:28-30. OUTSTANDING!!!!
Great Sermon! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS! I never understood, "the means of grace" when people would talk of this because to me it was always simply symbolic. Now I get it,
Great Sermon! OUTSTANDING! SIMPLY OUTSTANDING. I really liked where you said, "“We can trust God in spite of our circumstances if we focus on the character of God and not our circumstances." You are a blessing, I can't tell you this enough!
Great Sermon! Another fantastic sermon! Your timing, once again is truly amazing. I just loved this..""We know we are being conformed to the image of Christ but we don’t know the details and we don’t know the timetable. But, when the water is rough and the way is dark we simply have to trust and obey. We have to do the revealed will of God while believing the hidden will of God is working all things for our good" I truly enjoy getting the opportunity to listening to these weekly. God is surly using you to bless me. Thank you!
Great Sermon! I have to say, this was one of the best and easiest sermons on this that I have listened too. One of the points that really stuck out to me were if you want to be great in Gods kingdom--you have to be a servant to all. Also, God promises blessings for obedience and discipline for disobedience yet their is always mercy...God is faithful in both. We obey not to ear salvation but to enjoy it. God works His will in His time. SDG. Fantastic message. I was very blessed.
Christ as Israel,keeper of the covenant A much neglected aspect of Christs role on earth,not only as redeemer of Gods elect,but as the true Israel,who succeds where earthly Israel fails,thus fulfilling their role as meditor of the covenant to the nations
Great Sermon! I really appreciated this sermon. I long for the day when we will be glorified and able to see God in all His glory! In the meantime let us live remembering that we do live before Him and be thankful that He has revealed Himself to us in Christ.
Great Sermon! Truly blessed by Pastor Dodson's clarity in reflecting on what the Gospel isn't! And what God, in His mercy, has supplied to His own honor and glory.