Great Sermon! The Lord has used Dr. Beeke so powerfully in my life, because his messages are so devotional and he preaches biblical truth clearly. The glory of God is central to the messages and in this particular sermon, parts 1 & 2, he doesn't get involved with debating the different end times views concerning the millennium or anything. He just preaches orthodox, historic, and biblical eschatology, which assumes the fact that the millennium is the gospel age of grace in which we now live, and reveals the fact that when Christ comes again, that day is the final Day of Judgment. And so everyone must repent now and believe in the only Lord and Savior. The teachings of Christ's coming are intended to invoke fear and trembling to those unsaved that they may turn to Him, because when He comes, it's over and there will be no further opportunity ever for salvation, because that begins the eternal state. But to those who belong to Him the promise of His coming is our blessed hope. I personally believe any other view of Christ's coming or the end is misleading and therefore a lie of the devil. The King is coming!
Strong Sermon! Another great message to find personal strength in facing today's temptations and problems as they did in the days of Thyatira. Excellent advice and suggestions that worked in ancient days and will work today.
Revealing Sermon! This message is relevant to facing today's problems in the church and culture. The weaknesses and temptations faced during the days of Thyatira are exactly as today, and we can see how the problems can be solved today.