Great Sermon! Pastor Smith,
This is one of the best presentations of this 'hard to be understood' passage that I have ever heard.
It is clear, faithful to the text, and follows very closely Paul's argument both in the immediate as well as wider context in the book of Romans.
Thank you.
Great Sermon! How is it that no one has left a comment yet, Bucky Bartosch? Your sermons effect me deeply but this one... Boom, Boom Pow!
I've just been zapped; but, I pick my head up after repenting of this dung heap of all of my DESPISING to relish in my days of small things and to thank you for this sermon.
Be encouraged, dv.
Great Sermon! I keep listening to this, over and over, Joseph. I need to. It's so hard. So hard. I love you for sharing this messgae, Brother, because you've drawn out weeds. Roots.
I'm going to listen again because there are so many practical applications that I just know that if I write out the verses, and the strategies suggested in applying them, that I'll be able to love others better.
I was going to say "at church" but I need to say "all ay long" (and with my family, AT WORK -my secular worldly work- and with the impressionable children in my care).
Thank you.
I truly love you.
This sermon, DV, will help me glorify our LORD more and, DV, help me to become better at it. ...
... May this sermon also enable His Church to do the same.
Great Sermon! I needed this. Oh, how I needed this. And you sang, "None but Jesus, none but Jesus..."!
"Come unto Me --all who are weary and heavy laden --and I will give you rest".
Thank you, Joseph.
I choose to sing, too, God helping me.
WoW A great sermon series, I am 14 years old and my Parents and I listened to it, I really benefited from this! And have recommended it to one of my good friends.
A Difficult Passage Explained THANK YOU Pastor Smith!
This sermon is probably the minority view of Romans 2:5-13 amongst Evangelicals, but it's the only one that makes sense in light of what the apostle Paul is driving at at this juncture in his epistle to the Romans. Many good preachers and pastors have sermonized upon this portion of Romans here at SermonAudio, but Pastor Smith is one of the very few who makes it clear what it REALLY means.
Thoughtful Message The speaker addresses many of the arguments of exclusive psalmody forthrightly. For the sake of Christian liberty of conscience and true Christian unity it would be useful (especially among seminarians) to hear on this important subject among reformed baptists from another baptist who addresses many of the same points of this sermon from the puritan viewpoint which Spurgeon also practiced: "How Should our Churches Worship Today?", David Silversides (sermon audio)
People Need This I loved this message. It needs to be said that it is only through God that we come to repentance. That men in their hearts hate God no matter what they say. When I was became born again, I was alone, not at church and I thought I was saved before it happened! God came back for me, it had nothing to do with my own will. Thank you for this sermon!
Great Sermon! In 1 Tim 2:3-4 it says"
"For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
Who will have ALL men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." KJV.
If this is God's will (desire) then to those who DO NOT believe in the salvation of ALL, I say this:
Since this is God's will that ALL be saved then ALL will be saved!!!
If not, then we MUST say:
"Yes, it is true God's will or desire is that ALL be saved but it looks like he didn't have a plan to carry out his will or desire."
Think about it.
God Bless,
Great Sermon! Great exposition on the Holy Spirit. Five stars to you Pastor Smith. I breathe better knowing the Holy Spirit lives in me. Thank you for the assurance of salvation. GOD Bless you.
Great Sermon! This was an edifying message. Joseph is also a good communicator. I especially was intrigued by the introduction since I knew part of J.B's testimony already. The verses that are examined reminded me of another emphasis that is drawn from these verses - that of Jonathan Edwards "God Makes Men Sensible of Their Misery Before Revealing His Mercy and Love." "... that they are brought to see their miserable condition as they are in themselves, and to despair of help from themselves...before he appears for them, and also makes them sensible of their sin, and their unworthiness of God’s help."
Great Sermon! This is the first time I have heard a sermon preached on Dating. I am so thankful to God that I have heard these four sermons.I now can talk to my own children who are this age about the issue of dating. Thank you
Great Sermon! These sermons have been a great help to me. I Pray more parents will take time to listen to them and pass them on to others. There are 29 sermons in total preached by Pastor Jeff Smith.
Great Sermon! I have enjoyed listening to the sermon on Parenting Teenages - Common Assumptions and Peculiar Challenges and i am looking to listening to the other ones i have downloaded.
Thank You