Good Sermon Good points presented here. Perhaps the reason for the failing of some to live for the glory of God is due to the lack of a true work of grace. Yet, of late, even the genuine have corrupted into empty shells of a church form, which in the end even the world dares to classify as 'non essential' due to having lost our 'salt'.
Externally, we have discharged and transfered gladly all works of charity, love, duty and social responsibility to the state who can decide how far our existence should be.
Internally, we had played the harlot, adulterating with the world so much that often the average evangelical is no longer capable of discerning right from wrong without prevaricating into disclaimers, rabbit trails, pretexts or the convenient excuse of 'legalism'. But may our present circumstances remind us that "... (his) fan is in his hand, and he will throughly *purge* his floor ..."
Great Sermon! Glory to God for this wonderful Christmas sermon. I give thanks to the Most High God for Dr. Wallcord and this teaching. We have a Savior!
Soli Deo Gloria!
Excellent Sermon! Thank you so much for this sermon on Romans 13: 1-7 and our duty as Christian citizens. It is badly needed and I appreciate your courage in preaching God's Word without apology or compromise. May the good Lord bless Dr. Walicord and his congregation. Amen.