Great Sermon! Brother this is a great message and it has blessed my heart.
We are certainly living in the days of Noah, Christ is coming soon.
Pastor Steve Cornett
Sovereign Grace Baptist Church
On behalf of the members of the Civil Air Patrol and Michigan Wing, I would like to express our deepest sympathies to the family of Chaplain (Lt Col) Peter Nortier. He was a member of our CAP family for five decades. He was a great influence on me and my friends as cadets.
In our hearts we are all sad because we no longer will have his active influence in our lives. It is easier to accept his passing knowing that his pain has ended and that he is united with his dear wife and basking in the glory of God this day.
May God bless his soul and the souls of all of the faithfully departed, and may the perpetual Light shine upon him.
Leo Burke, Colonel, CAP Commander Michigan Wing Civil Air Patrol
So sorry to hear about Mrs.Nortier.But she is home with her Father.please keep on your prayer list will have surgery in feb. on my back for the 4th. you ,and may our lord bless you.
Great Sermon! We appreciate preachers who are giving it all they got, through prayer, sound doctrine. What good is it if our troops lay down their lives for the United States and come home and find that people have worshiped the "golden calf," and slaughtered the reputations of their family members?
Needed Sermon for the 'Reformed'! The speaker refreshingly cuts to the chase in the first minute, telling what is wrong with Sovereign Grace churches. You can add Reformed Baptist and Reformed Presbyterian churches to the list.
Doesn't anyone see that there is something wrong with modern neo-reformed Christianity and particularly Calvinistic churches? Yes, including the pastors? Why are the churches dwindling in America? How many are truly converted, who are orthodox? Why the impotence of modern, even reformed, Christianity to make a difference? It's time to look in the mirror instead of pointing at the world.
Like he says about those who talk after church, "they won't talk about it", and "all churches are about the same". True!
What good do all the reformed books do without conversion? Why are the most orthodox churches who teach the doctrines of grace NOT REALLY REFORMED OR LIVELY?
"No one was ever saved by [knowing, believing] the doctrines of grace". Maybe that will get everyone's attention.
Unfortunately the modern reformed or sovereign grace Pharisees will be offended.
Awesome! Not only is this one of the best sermons I've heard in a while it's in print! I was able to print it out for my grandfather who doesn't have a PC and can't hear to well anyway.Thanks for that. I am praying that God will save him before he dies as he is a religious man but anyone can see he is no Christian when not at the church. This is hard preaching but I think it's needed.
Great Sermon! Multitudes around the world sing Sunday after Sunday, ‘Give me that Old Time Religion’, not even knowing what that religion is or how far away their churches have departed from it. Do you desire to know what this ‘old time religion’ is all about, then please make the time to listen to these sermons by Pastor Peter Nortier. In almost every sermon he powerfully speaks of those things which you need to hear [not like to hear]. Heaven, Hell, Sovereign mercy, God’s Election and the need for true repentance, are all somehow squeezed into almost every sermon he preaches. His sermons are rich in the Word and a feast for every one of God’s elect. A truly anointed man of God who does not mince words but tells it like it is. May the Lord richly bless him, and his ministry!
Great Sermon! Beloved, if there ever was a message in our degenerate times that needs to be preached from the house-tops, it is this sermon by Pastor Peter Nortier! If you are looking for a sermon to tickle your ears or remind you of your self worth and self esteem, etc, this is not that sermon.
This is a sermon which we would do well to heed ourselves first and then pass it on to others, both Christian and Non-Christian.
Repent and believe the Gospel, for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh!
Great Sermon! this was not what I thought it was going to be about but it was great! I really like the way this man always uses Scripture for everything he says and that it's all about the glory of the Lord for him. Thanks for a great lesson and I will pass this one on to my friends for sure!
Thank you very much! I have been looking for some preaching like this for a while. There are few churches in this area and fewer still that preach the word of God in truth. I believe this man cares for lost souls! I am new to SermonAudio. When I heard this man on another website and looked for more of him on the internet and found it. This is a great site and I am so excited! Thanks for this kind of preaching!P.N.
! This is a good sermon for your lost loved ones and friends, I listened to Brother Pete teach,.. I thanked and praised God for His longsuffering with me and for saving me from hell,.. I cried for my own loved ones that are living day by day, hanging by the thread of God's patience
Today,.. my cousin's husband, Johnny Touchet, is preaching at the funeral of his own brother who died suddenly,.. and to his knowledge, without Christ. I give God the praise and glory for giving Johnny the grace to preach God's word to those people,.. his family, knowing many wont like it,.. but loving God and their souls enough to do it anyway.
May God give us the same love to witness continually and not give up praying for our unsaved family and friends,..knowing that every hour may be their last and then eterinty.
( Johnny Touchet's sermons can be found here on
Great Sermon! Thank you for sending me the sermon, i enjoyed hereing the word of God. I need to here more. I think it is wonderful that you are on the sermon audio now.
Eye opening! I have really been enjoying this series on Jonah. It has sent me time and again to my knees praising the Lord for His infinite mercy and sovereign grace in saving a lost, wicked sinner,.. me. He always brings out something interesting I haven't heard before that sends me studying in the Word! Even though he preaches hard, you can tell it's because he loves the Lord and cares for lost souls! Thanks for telling the truth Brother Pete!
Amen & Amen! This is a message that is sorely needed in our days — a message of conviction and repentance — something the average preacher either does not know, has not experienced or is afraid to preach. May God use it to awaken some deceived soul in religion!
Great Sermon! I downloaded several of his sermons on the new birth and listened to them all day while driving. I think I listened to 9 of them.
I agree with him totally on the new birth. What he describes is exactly what happened to me. It was not something I planned or sought after. It just happened as if my eyes were opened and I knew absolutely that I had nothing to do with it.
I came to the place of being lost and with no way out. I had no idea if God would save me or not. I have never known fear like that. When I came to the end of myself and knew that I was absolutely lost I can remember just breaking out in a sweat. I tried to forget about it but the conviction would not go away. THANK GOD. It was after that that I trusted Christ as it was the only thing I could do that brought relief to my soul and then I knew for the first time what it was all about. Why Christ died on that tree. It was an experience that was so personal and so mysterious that I can't explain itr. I just knew it happened. That was what Br. Peter was talking about on many of those sermons.
I have always said that you will never be saved unless you first find yourself lost."The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge" is what Proverbs says. Then faith in Christ releaves the fear. Enjoyed the sermons.
Wow!! This is a powerful message on the grace of God and Brother Nortier gives all the glory to the Lord. This is the old time fire and brimstone type preaching that I heard when I was young. It's good to know this kind of preaching is still available. Thanks to this man for being true to the Word of God.