Good job brother Bob. Well done brother. Very much appreciated your approach to the passage. Good work on the applications, and helpful illustrations. Thanks for mentioning Zwingli book from Solid Ground. Press on!! Mike
Great Sermon! Great sermon!
Thank you Pastor! My wife and i were visiting, in search of a church and were blessed by this message. I think we found a home.
Correction I mentioned that 23 children were killed in China (by knife), the same day of the tragic incident in CT. However, I misunderstood the news...the children in China, while injured, were not killed. Sorry for this error, but it does not hinder the point being made in the sermon.
Preacher Correction I state in this sermon that leprosy is not curable. While leprosy was not curable during the time of Christ (still making my points valid), they have since found treatment that helps to cure the disease (started to find cure in 1930s, found great success in 1980s).
Points to Ponder The clear illumines the obscure:
Over the past 40 years, half the church took the Westminster Divines at their word, "sued out a divorce" (WCF 24:5) and it is now "already defeated" (1 Cor 6:7) (lit. destroyed).
In light of the clear teaching in 1 Cor 6:7, what did Jesus really mean in an obscure verse (Matthew 19:9) about "sue out a divorce" and remarriage?
That He would give us license so that every other pew would be destroyed is contrary to marriage, contrary to family, contrary to children, contrary to logic, contrary to the church, contrary to the balance of Scripture and contrary to the Gospel. Thank you, Pastor Totter.