Just like times of today Such a clear warning against living for pleasure and unconcerned for your fellow man. Anything that comes to us easy is not valued, hence the growth of the church when going through persecution.
Outstanding Sermon! This is an excellent message outlining all the falseness of the RC Church and the Pope. If you listen to all the facts that the RC Church believes and all that the Pope expects from people, you will find it all heresy and damnation. I feel very sorry for people who believe in this anti-Christ entity.
Great Sermon! Hi pastor! I've heard some of your sermons, very detailed, bold and annointed. I am just a new Christian, and I struggled so much with the doctrine of Trinity. The Holy Spirit touched me while trying to imagine, trying to explore in my mind how could this Jesus be God while the Father is God. There is one phrase (three words) that when I thought of it, the Holy Spirit touched me, from the top of my head. But those three words, I have never heard to anyone, nor read in the Bible or any commentaries or any articles... only from you I heard those words. Then I felt the touch of the Holy Spirit again.
I heard you wrote a book regarding the Doctrine of Trinity, how can I have it? Wish I can have your email address because I really do have a lot questions.
Praise God in your life...
Great Sermon! I, myself, believed in exception clauses because this was what I was taught. Even non-believers sadly quote these clauses! For the past 2 years, I've studied marriages, exception clauses, the earliest writings in the early churches, and the undeniable spiritual warfare that exists in regards to all divorces. The enemy has succeeded in leading Christians in believing that their 2nd, 3rd, or for some---even 4th marriages are blessed by God instead of seeking God's will and repenting of such ongoing sin-remarriage while the first covenant spouse is still living is adultery; the churches need more pastors like you to administer biblical discipline, aid in promoting repentance to restore each spouse in walking in truth and in God's will, and promoting reconciliation. Thank you for speaking the truth in love. Christians are satan's target and he plants fallacies such as the one of justified remarriage and false pretense that God wants them to remain in ongoing sin have caused division even amongst pastors. The only way to combat is to apply biblical truth and remain aware of the repentance that is needed. Thank you again! God bless you!
Great Sermon! Thank you, Dr. Foskey. I was looking up the words "ex nihilo" and "fiat" and your sermon came up in my search. I was moved by this sermon. Looking forward to hearing more of your sermons.
Great Sermon! I'm absolutely loving this series on the book of Hebrews! Can't wait to hear the next one. Thank you again Pastor for bring God's Word faithfully to us every week.
Timely Sermon! As always, the absolute perfection of God and His timeing is remarkable! I have been reflecting on the questions of death and how scripture answers those questions. Pastor Foskey's sermon was a blessing to me and helped me to gain some perspective on the issue of death/heaven and the questions that come with them. I've enjoyed the study of Hebrews and am looking forward to hearing more. Thanks!
What a relief!! I tuned in fully expecting another "America is great", "Since we're Americans we have to be Christian" nonsense! What a welcome surprise that this Pastor is more concerned with truth and logic than the typical American pastor who only wants to placate his people. We have been blessed by God as a nation; we don't endure the persecution faced by Christians all around the world. Praise God for His sovereignty and mercy and grace on a stubborn and rebellious nation! Thank you Pastor for your work and faithfulness. Looking forward to hearing more of your sermons.