You cannot get any clearer than this! Thank you Keith for faithfully proclaiming God's truth! I pray those who hear this will do the 4 things you share as they examine whether they be in the faith.
Have a listen. As a former Reformed Baptist [20+ years] I am now a confessional Lutheran, and I still enjoy the Reformed preaching. Dr. Foskey's YouTube is funny and I never fail to watch and share his videos which I highly recommend. I was the Reformed type to call modern Lutheranism "Melanchthonism," believing the common misunderstanding that Lutherans follow Melanchthon, which we do not, and we also do not follow Luther. Confessional Lutherans believe, teach and confess the Book of Concord. It should be noted that Martin Luther was not a systematic theologian, and he often went overboard when taking his opponents to the mat and in so doing he overstated his case in Bondage of the Will. Look around at how Lutherans understand Bondage of the Will and it will place the work in context and it's not Calvinism. Inconsistent? Sure. But not Calvinism.
Interesting discussion, especially in regards to their interpretation of scripture. For more on this subject, I would recommend Baptism: Two views by Phillip Kayser.
Loved this episode I really enjoyed the topic and format of this episode. This was very informative with nice sprinklings of humor. I really appreciate this podcast.
I love this episode Matthew is a great guest. He does a phenomenal job explaining the US Judicial system. He needs his own podcast where he reviews court cases. He will make a great Calvinist one day.
Great Sermon! Great Simplicity I did not stumble at any point. Thank you for putting the food in a dish for those kneeling in prayer asking for understanding. The scraps are fitting for the needy.
Great Sermon! I agree with your message. At one time I was a member of the Churches of Christ, and also an Independent Christian Church. That was many years ago.
Today there is another group that broke away from the Church of Christ, and that is the International Churches of Christ. They seem to have a "salvation by discipleship" belief and practice. That is, they still strongly hold that baptism is essential to salvation, at the moment of baptism you're saved. But FIRST you have to be a disciple of Jesus Christ when you are baptized...though lost until baptism. They base this on the reading of the Great Commission in Matthew.
Maybe some have heard of this. Anyway, in the late 1980's the Boston COC was rebaptizing their members because of this new false doctrine. And that's when the mainline COC broke fellowship with them because "they changed the nature of baptism" to quote the mainline COC. And the Boston COC and related churches were retrained and eventually became the International COC. I know, sounds confusing. POINT IS they went beyond salvation by works which was bad enough. Instead, it's more like salvation by discipleship (yeah, still works but on steroids).
Great Teaching! McCausland stated "... bringing the gospel to the front in darkened Europe from different quarters and men living miles apart."
And unlike today where confusion comes from heretical teaching, they all preached the same message for the most part and the outcome was the same.
May God give us that same passion for truth.
Essential Teaching Thanks for fine tuning the hearing. I learned a lot from this teaching and listened for heaven's sake.
Only yesterday, a friend, whose son is gay, said that she recognized homosexual tendencies in him when he was only three years old. Therefore she believed he was born gay. Why was the problem not recognized at his birth?
Informative and useful This presentation provides ample evidence of the mercies of God at work at the time of the Reformation, in bringing the gospel to the front in darkened Europe from different quarters and men living miles apart. SDG